
Topic: Welcome to 2020, Lets set the goals to achieve this year. (Read 1292 times)

sr. member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 450
Honestly, I only have a simple ambition this year.

I just hope that me and my family will be safe from an ongoing volcanic eruption in our country as there is a wide effect of ashflow that may cause various respiratory diseases. Secondly, I just hope that we can survive each and every day that will pass throughout the year. Smiley

In terms of crypto,

I just wanted to earn at least 1 or 2 ETH this year that will serve as in investment for future school fees which can help my parents in financing my education. I am also planning to read 2 of the Andreas Autonopoulous book. I know these are simple things but I assure that I can reach these before the end of the year.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1084
As a crypto trader, I am never satisfied to keep learning, so this year I will try to achieve my goals by 2020.

MY 2020 GOAL
  • Want to improve again how to trade crypto
  • Want to have 90% technical analysis accuracy
  • Want to increase assets to be even more
  • Want to get a total of 1000 merit in 2020
  • Want to reach Legendary rank
hero member
Activity: 2856
Merit: 618
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I have only one goal in 2020 to make myself and my family stable through my skills online and offline.
Also i have one wish that bitcoin crosses 20,000$ milestone in 2020. I think everyone here wants this to happen.
jr. member
Activity: 60
Merit: 5
My goals for 2020:

1. To complete my graduation smoothly.
2. Get chance in post graduation study.
3. Help the poor and helpless peoples of my country.
4. Be happy with my family.
5. Became a full member in this forum.
6. Gather much knowledge about crypto and Bitcoin mining.
7. Earn some money.
8. Honesty is the best policy. Want to be honest in my life.
9. Life is impossible without friends. So i want to be polite with my friends.

Thanks to all.
Activity: 672
Merit: 29
Am highly anticipated about this year (2020) than ever before. My hopes and dreams about crypto will yield into success and profits.
1. Will always invest in top altcoin and trade wisely
2. Enlighten my friends and family more about crypto
3. Contribute and make new friends in this forum, at least try and upgrade to higher ranks
4. Never procrastinate, loose hope, or give up on crypto no matter how bearish the market seems.
5. Keep promoting a good project and never to trade your tokens for pennies
hero member
Activity: 1666
Merit: 709 - Crypto Casino and Sportsbook
It's easy to set goals for the year but not as easy as achieving it.
So my goals are on the forum
♤Promote my knowledge about cryptocurrency.
♤ get to full member rank
♤ positively set good examples for others
♤ get bitcoin knowledge to as much people as I can
hero member
Activity: 2212
Merit: 805
Top Crypto Casino
We're now 10 days into 2020. Has anyone made progress or started working towards any of their year-long goals? If yes, how do you track your "small" progresses and wins. Also, does anyone document challenges encountered / progress made?Thanks!
sr. member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 265
My resolve for 2020 are
1) not to repeat mistakes of 2019
2) learn from previous mistakes and look forward
3) Buy bitcoin and HODL
4) Travel to new destinations
Good luck every one
Activity: 116
Merit: 14
Welcome to the roar of 2020 to all...

My goals for 2020-

  • To become a senior member
  • I want to learn more about crypto and the technical discussion in bitcoin talk.
  • Acquire knowledge from this community as much as I can
  • I want to increase my crypto assets
  • Be happy and trade smooth:)

sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 280
2018 wasn't that bad for me but it wasn't my best either so I hope for better days ahead. I'm just an average dude,
trying to espace the rat race by earning my way to financial freedom through cryptocurrency.

  • To achieve Full member Senior member Hero member rank
  • To increasing my crypto portfolio to $100k
  • To earn aleast 150 merits 250 merits 500 merits in 2019
  • To increase my asset portfolio to 90% bitcoin
  • To continue eating right and get a more fit body

Hopping for the best in 2019.

My primary goals maybe different from the forum related goals. Yes,  in the forum  I would like to rank up and also increase my portfolio but there are many offline goals and wishes which I would like to get them fulfilled. I think it is useless to share those personal goals which are not crypto related here ?  is it ?
sr. member
Activity: 1372
Merit: 264
First post here (long time lurker since 2014, though...)

  • Get back into mining (I sold my scrypt mining rig in 2015...).
  • Learn more about CPU mining and their algorithms like RandomX
  • Code more at home (I did some adventofcode, I wish now to learn about dapps and Solidity/Vyper)
  • Getting more friends into crypto

Happy new year 2020 !
You're first goal is the one that i need to accomplish since i stopped the mining and sold it too and hopefully the price is still in cheap, noe that mining is still trending here in my country.

And the rest of your goal are the best to do and goodluck on that one.
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
Top Crypto Casino
My First goal is similar to the first goal of De-devil  however, I have another language in mind.

  • Become a better Developer – get experienced, code and collaborate more
  • Get back on the Crypto path (forum and trading)
  • Be free of financial hurdles - take jobs, trade and side hustles
  • Attain Hero Member rank
  • stay lazer focused on my educational pursuit

For mini goals, It includes those of   JollyGood: 👇

  • be happy
  • be generous
  • be kind
  • be polite
  • be resourceful

Happy New Year nelson4lov..

May all your mini and major dreams come true and may you reach all your mini and major goals  Wink
hero member
Activity: 2212
Merit: 805
Top Crypto Casino
My First goal is similar to the first goal of De-devil  however, I have another language in mind.

  • Become a better Developer – get experienced, code and collaborate more
  • Get back on the Crypto path (forum and trading)
  • Be free of financial hurdles - take jobs, trade and side hustles
  • Attain Hero Member rank
  • stay lazer focused on my educational pursuit

For mini goals, It includes those of   JollyGood: 👇

  • be happy
  • be generous
  • be kind
  • be polite
  • be resourceful

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
First post here (long time lurker since 2014, though...)

  • Get back into mining (I sold my scrypt mining rig in 2015...).
  • Learn more about CPU mining and their algorithms like RandomX
  • Code more at home (I did some adventofcode, I wish now to learn about dapps and Solidity/Vyper)
  • Getting more friends into crypto

Happy new year 2020 !
Activity: 1204
Merit: 11
• My first goal is to pick an effective way for my carrier
• I want to be more than one Bitcoins holder
• Become an expert and responsible cryptocurrency trader
• Improvement in communication and personality skills
•  I will never miss a single chance to show my positive attitude
• Hopefully I won't be single anymore this year.
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
Top Crypto Casino
  • be happy
  • be generous
  • be kind
  • be polite
  • be resourceful


  • @JollyGood those are my goals too and since you have already posted them I’m not repeating them.
  • I want to become a Legendary member out here, and hopefully I’ll achieve it before 2020 ends.
  • Also I wish to take my family on a vacation trip, and pay for the entire vacation from my bitcoins income.
  • One of my most important goal for this year is to practise self love, and cure my anxiety which has messed my life for many years.
  • Last but not the least I do wish to save some funds, and contribute money to few charities as I believe we should help them.

May all your dreams and wishes come true. Happy New Year  Wink
sr. member
Activity: 756
Merit: 268
2019 thread archived:

Bases on  forum time, I want to seize this opportunity to WELCOME EVERYONE TO 2020. Happy new year to you all. If you have made it this far after the series of bear market we experience in the previous years, then you do deserve the profit 2020 and the future holds (hopefully) only if you continue holding your bitcoin and making better investment decisions.

Moving forward, lets set the goals we're hoping to achieve in 2020. Studies have shown that when you write your goals out and share them,  it increases your chances of achieving them.  So without wasting any time use the code below to list five (5) goals you desire to achieve in 2019.

[b][color=red]MY 2020 GOALS[/color][/b]
Note: It's a new year so lets not start the year with insults/looking down on others.  Your goal might be to earn 10btc or 500merits while someone else goals might just be one. Feel free to write some few words before listing goals.

  Happy new year from Brainboss
It's a new year which means there will be new expectations and goals to reach before another year ends. We all have different target to achieve, some people want to make their investments in different altcoins become successful while other people just simply want their investment stay stable amidst all the crisis being faced by the market nowadays. It's not a bad thing to set some goals but we should make sure always that while you are setting this up, you are finding ways on how you can fulfill all of your goals.
Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
I wish you all a happy and successful new year!!
My 2020 goals:

- find a balance between private and business
- less stress and more pleasure and peace
- to go on long desired trips
- meet friends I haven't seen in a long time
- accomplish my personal and business goals
- don't forget to be happy  Cheesy Cheesy
Activity: 3416
Merit: 1225
Enjoy 500% bonus + 70 FS
I only have one wish and one goal and that is for the market to set another all-time high, two years is just too long to bear, I don't know  if many of us here can bear another bear year, I hope this year will be different I have two goals and these are two be part of a great project as a bounty participants, which is like looking on a haystack and the second one is to support Bitcoin to reach another all-time high.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1379
Fully Regulated Crypto Casino
2019 was a blast for me. Meet some cool guy, earned some decent tokens and also increase my rank here from member to Sr. member. That was a very happy 2019 for me and hoping a fruitful one also for 2020.

  • To increase my btc, eth, xrp and bnb assets. My prime holdings.
  • To become Legendary rank soon but need to be Hero first and still needed 100+ merits. Hoping can achieve this by 2020.
  • To learn technicalities of trading this is my one wish I think if happen then will surely help me in the future.
  • To increase my subscribers on my telegram channel cause Im advocating good altcoin bounty and hope I help much more. At least 2000followers.
  • To accomplish abovementioned goals by 2020
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