It redirects to coinflip that doesn't really have reviews there. My feedback is that it looks like you only wanna spam the pages where you sell casino themes and casino scripts. Your attempt to do so may result in something not nice if you are reported. You are doing a lousy job in spamming it, you could have a better chance of success if you do it in your signature.
That is the logo when the site loads but it is still remaining on their given website when it loads.
There are bonuses written at the bottom of the site and I think they are into affiliates if someone decides to sign up thru them.
Hello my lovely friend,
Thank you so much to take the time and review the site!
The logo issue you mention I am working on it right now! As you notice I bought a theme and I am edditing everything before site open to the public!
My intention is do my review and after people leave their reviews too!
So site score and peoples scores what do you think?
I will be working all day on the issues mention previously and will answer the rest of the posts as soon as I finish what you guys already mention.
I would like to thank everyone to be so kind and supporting helping me getting closer to achieve the goal!
Love you guys