Those tapes won't be necessary Comey wrote the shit down. I must say, he was on my bastard list after the Hillary reveal, but now, he can sit with us. Clever man.
So the scoop is Trump flat out asked Comey to kill the Flynn investigation. Apparently (this is all unsubstantiated, by me at least, but being widely reported as from 'official sources), he asked Sessions and Pence to leave the room, looked Comey in the eye and flat out asked him to dead the Flynn investigation, after getting briefed from Yates about the issues with Flynn. Obvious Watergate jokes and comparisons aside, this is a huge obstruction of justice.
A round of applause for 45. That took nuts people. It was fucking retarded, like, full retarded, but the gesture was a grand gambut, a binary that apparently didn't go so bigly. Comey went home and wrote the shit down, and shared it with a select few folks to cover his ass. In fact, I remember Comey saying during an meeting that he would 'definitely finish serving his full term as director', which was odd because no one really asked him that, at the time. He was talking across the table, so to speak, that was aimed at Trump. Trump took the bait, canned his ass, and now we have an infinite popcorn scenario.
At this point, it would be unkind to kick a downed man. I will cease being so cynical if I can help it (some of this shit is just ignorant, it defies logic of explanation and must be pointed out). He's in over his head, the GOP just cut loose the kite string, the majority of America would like to see him impeached, and this is like if Nixon and Ollie North had a baby that sold guns to drug cartels. This is done people. Watch everything wrap up, it will play out so very interestingly.
America's gonna be great again, shortly
Writing it down is of limited use since anyone can write anything. I write stuff down that I can swear to in court. If Comey did that, fine. If not, he'll have to perjure himself. Of course if Trump asked him cold to drop whatever Flynn case(s) may have been cooking in spite of there being a 'there' there, that's a something which is a genuine abuse of power and Trump should get nailed on it as should anyone else who's abused their power within the statute of limitations.
Something is odd with the whole Flynn situation. The mainstream media is still going bananas about him. Trump should not have much reason to care about him any more so I find the suggestion that this is all Trump and Comey discussed to be less than complete. Something tells me that Flynn in particular has some juicy intel and perhaps a plan to re-enter the political arena in one form or another. I like the guy so I hope that both are true.
What I heard (from Infowars IIRC) is that tracing back the paper chain to see who authorized the access to NSA data on Trump, or at least on his associates, is something which should be fairly quick and easy. Comey was slow-walking it. Trump got fed up and fired his ass. (It's more than likely that the paper trail ends up pointing to Obama, and Comey himself may be a link in the chain.)
I've heard again that "tapes" (to use Trump's often meaningful quotes) exist of Comey both fucking little boys dressed up to look like Howdy Doody on Epstein's pedo-Island, and ass-fucking Prince Charles who is also outfitted similarly (and looks a little like Howdy Doody anyway.) And Trump might have these tapes. It's quite possible that the party who recently reported this got it from the same source I did originally. Namely 'The Doctor of Common Sense' on Youtube. In that case a second source is value-less.
I also heard that Henry Kissinger's unscheduled stop by the Whitehouse right after Comey was shit-caned was for the purpose of offering Trump a big-fish's head (Clinton or someone of her caliber) if he would cease and desist further exploration of human trafficking. Human trafficking (and associated evil) seems to be key to the current 'deep state' hold on power and they will do anything to halt exploration of it.
If Hillary or Barack or someone(s) of that class fry, and law enforcement loses interest in tracking down pedos in high places, it will be a reasonably strong observation substantiating the conjecture about Kissinger's visit (and more generally his game.)