The baked beans or peas are added by using a serving spoon. When they say "I put a some extra beans on there for you", then that is positive discrimination. I've never worked in a restaurant, so I don't really know if that is just marketing, or staff being friendly. Similarly "I've added an extra sausage" is good for customer relations. Also, I get offered free sandwiches sometimes after the cafe has closed, but that might just be an attempt to save waste. Obviously if you alienate the staff, then you won't get these offers.
Anyway, my policy change seems to be of benefit to me, so I can't see any upside in reverting to public displays of disaffection.
Wait staff are nice to nice people. If you're filling in the track and trace and generally not being difficult of course staff will be nicer to you. If you're throwing tantrums over track and trace they'll probably be more dismissive and want to get away from you faster. It isn't a political thing, its just how staff naturally respond to whatever vibes the customer is giving.
It isn't just for the track and trace though, that treatment you would expect pre pandemic too. I personally have always made nice customers aware of discounts/vouchers. I wouldn't dream of doing that for someone thats been abrasive the whole time I've served them. Nicer people have always enjoyed better service, you get what you put into the world. It's hardly discrimination, its a reaction to how you've been treated. If someone is nasty to me I don't consider it discrimination to be dismissive of them.
Your policy change makes the lives of people like me a lot easier, I don't know why you would've thought in the being difficult for people on minimum wage would benefit anyone in the first place.