Again, a pool is only as strong as the trust individuals place in it. With a public ledger this trust is not blind but checked and verified constantly
Exactly, and same as this statement, it is just as true that the NSA/government is only as powerful and relevant as the people allow it to be. People have been so conditioned by this evil empire as a single organism like "god" - with the same sort of power, all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, so any time they hear about the government doing this or that, they freak the fuck out like somebody got god all up in a tizzy and now the fire and brimstone fireworks are coming and we're all going to be punished for disobeying the great and powerful Oz.
In real life, there is no god government, no "illuminati" crap...there are only individuals making up agencies in a larger network of other agencies. It's not a single entity that controls the world. It's a lot of clusterfucked smaller agencies with the advantage of having a system that is so fucking ridiculously filled with red tape and loop holes that no single individual or even chain of command even knows the whole system inside out. It's all just PEOPLE at the end of the day. It looks spooky only because there are so many channels to deal with it's overwhelming...and it looks like genius to the outsider being victimized by it. They got this sewn up to where we *can't* comply even when we truly want to...they've made us all slaves. We surrender.
No. In real life they don't have any centralized control either, the one arm has no fucking clue what any other arm is doing, and one arm's rules conflict with some other arm and nobody can get shit accomplished because there's no end to the run around. This is NOT by design of some brilliant 300 year old secret cartel else they'd have been murdered in their sleep already.
This is a result of PEOPLE not being capable of large scale concentrated coordinated efforts. Plain and simple.
Small groups yes, but THE GOVERNMENT or THE NSA is not an entity. It's just a large number of PEOPLE with conflicting ideals, goals, rules and red tape that make it such a clusterfuck of horse shit, nobody has time to deal with the overwhelming string of endless nonsense from one branch to the next.
The NSA isn't the spy god in the shadows. It's just PEOPLE getting other PEOPLE to give them information. If the other people decided not to, the NSA would grind to a halt and look like as much of a joke as the pope looks these days. They're only as powerful as other people ALLOW. Most of the success of the NSA has come directly from the reality other people are lazy and unwittingly making accessing them easy. When they wise up and start implementing various blocking security, the NSA loses enormous power...same for any other branch of the government.
Bottom line with all this fear mongering on here...if the NSA *could* do it, if any wealthy billionaire *could* do it, why HAVEN'T THEY done it already? Bitcoin's been around going on 6 years or so right? The more time passes, the less bitcoin are mined, so it'd have been far more worth their effort to pull this early on...but they didn't.
A lot of the fear mongers on this issue don't seem to properly understand MEMG. I'm not even remotely pretending I fully understand the 51% attack in entirety but I do understand it enough through reading more on it to know that MEMG applies in this case making it unlikely.
MEMG = Minimum Effort, Maximum Gain
Anyone with significant resources to successfully implement a 51% attack would not even remotely near a break even point in gains, and would then be blocked and obsolete as the responders took control. Nobody who is capable of making the money required to obtain these sorts of resources is stupid and irresponsible enough to pose that sort of risk to their OWN financial means. Their goal is making money, not losing it. For them to spend thousands of dollars in resources for a momentary minimal gain is insanely stupid...maximum effort for minimum, short lived temporary low gain that doesn't even provide a recovering of their investment.
That's WHY nobody would actually DO it...just because they CAN do it doesn't mean it's going to happen anymore than any one of you CAN stand in front of a speeding bullet train and potentially survive and sue the train company for damages and make a million dollars you'll be forking over to a hospital the rest of your life...but only a dumbass would actually DO it.
And if one dumbass does do it, it's not bringing down the train companies, the medical institutions, or the legal profession. It's just weeding out the next winner of the Darwin Awards.