
Topic: 'We’re seeing revival of Nazism & fascism in Ukraine' (Read 1721 times)

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Ukraine’s Bankruptcy. Help from Abroad Won’t Come

Valentin KATASONOV | 28.12.2015 | 19:00

On Dec. 18 the Ukrainian government officially announced its refusal to repay its $3 billion debt to Russia. Repayment was due Dec. 20. Kiev also refused to pay both the $75 million in interest on the debt, as well as the additional $507 million that two Ukrainian companies still owe to Russian banks (the Ukrainian government had promised to back those firms’ debts).

Ukrainian officials have called this refusal a «moratorium», and some in the Ukrainian media have dubbed it an «embargo», but there is a crystal-clear meaning lurking behind those words, which is that the country is going bankrupt. That same day, Aleksei Pushkov, the head of the State Duma’s foreign-affairs committee, stated that if Ukraine introduced a moratorium on the payment of its debt to Russia, that would be the equivalent of the state declaring a sovereign default on its debt. And no speeches by Arseniy Yatsenyuk will be able to conceal that glaring fact.

Natalie Jaresko, the minister of finance of that bankrupt state, could not come up with a better explanation of the refusal to pay the debt, other than to call it «the will of the people». The current government has forced Ukraine into a corner: the country is now being held hostage by its debt restructuring agreement. If Kiev pays Moscow, then all the private creditors who signed the restructuring agreement will cry foul. The house of cards created by the restructuring will collapse. And there’s yet another element to Kiev’s reluctance to pay. Dmitry Medvedev summed up the logic of the Ukrainian government in one short word: «crooks». Washington has done all it can to encourage Kiev’s predilection for chicanery, as well as the government’s chutzpah in regard to its foreign debt.

But everything eventually comes to an end. There are now signs that Washington is preparing to hand Ukraine over to the tender mercies of its creditors and other financial vultures. The IMF’s Executive Board unanimously voted to recognize Russia’s loan to Ukraine as «official» or «sovereign». Someone might have thought that Uncle Sam, who has been championing the regime in Kiev, must have simply slept through that vote. But that’s not at all what happened. Especially since even the IMF director for the US voted in favor of that decision. What’s not to understand?

A change in the rules governing the IMF’s lending now allows the fund to continue to transfer loan funds even after a default has been announced on obligations owed to sovereign creditors, and here I would like to point out the logic behind the decision by the fund’s staff to alter those guidelines: subsequent IMF loans may be issued to a country that has defaulted, in order to help it repay its obligations to a sovereign lender. I would like to propose an unorthodox idea: the IMF will transfer the next scheduled installment of the loan funds to Moscow in order to settle the issue of the $3 billion debt, after which the creditors and other financial vultures can then get down to the business of divvying up the «Ukrainian pie». For Uncle Sam – the patron saint of those creditors and vultures – it is clearly preferable to let Moscow take its share and step aside, out of the way of the looters.

Now – about those creditors and vultures. To all appearances, an agreement was reached with them about restructuring the debt. However, Kiev has continuously emphasized that all its creditors and lenders were invited to attend the restructuring negotiations, including Russia, which Kiev considers to be comparable to financial vultures such as the investment fund Franklin Templeton. Yatsenyuk and Jaresko have insisted that the Russian loan issued to Ukraine in late 2013 falls under the category of private debt and that Russia’s place lay at the negotiating table alongside the Franklin Templeton fund and other vultures. And if a private lender did not take his place at the negotiating table – well, that’s his problem. The restructuring was carried out anyway. However, there are two important details that must not be overlooked.

First of all, not all the private creditors were present at that negotiating table. According to our data, the holders of at least a certain percentage of the debt were not represented at the talks. Those are most likely the hard-core vultures who are biding their time for now. Franklin Templeton could transfer a share of its debt securities to those «secret agents» who will emerge from their lairs at the proper time. It was «agents» like these who shattered Argentina’s debt-restructuring agreement that was reached in the 2000s. Those outsiders owned only a small percentage of Argentina’s debt, compared with its total face value, but it was enough that Argentina has today been re-saddled with its enormous sovereign debt from the early 2000s (although Argentina continues to resist the onslaught of the vultures and refuses to abide by a New York court’s rulings that invalidate its debt restructuring).

Second, even those private creditors who reached an agreement with Kiev in regard to the debt restructuring can re-scrutinize that earlier agreement, in light of the fact that they were misled by Kiev. Moscow was not a private (commercial) creditor, as Ukraine’s representatives suggested to them, but an official (sovereign) one, as ruled by the IMF. A situation could arise in which all those private creditors come together in unison to present Kiev with their demands for 100% repayment. And that’s without taking into account the maturity dates of the debt securities. Financiers call this a «cross default» (in which all creditors file repayment claims against a debtor in the event that a default is declared on any one of its debts).

Special note should be made of the fact that last week the investment fund Franklin Templeton denied the Ukrainian government’s request to restructure the debt of the city of Kiev. Nor is the relationship with the IMF on the right track for Yatsenyuk’s government, because the fund is dissatisfied with the progress of budget and tax reforms in Ukraine, as well as with the fact that a balanced budget has still not been passed. Without that, Ukraine will not see the next scheduled tranche from the fund (which Yatsenyuk and Jaresko expected to receive back in October).

As for the Russian Federation, it is preparing to go into action as soon as the grace period ends (10 days after Dec. 20). That will mean referring the matter to the English court system. No matter how long it takes for the court case to be examined, Russia should get its money (plus interest for late payment). The English court system has very little desire to get involved in politics, even on the side of the regime in Kiev. The English courts hold their reputation dear.

And the court case will come at an equally dear cost for Kiev. Private investors and creditors are not about to reinvent themselves just to comply with the political needs of the Ukrainian government. A default is always a default. Especially a sovereign one. Countries that undergo a sovereign default (bankrupt states, in other words) are not provided with new loans or investment. Even if such countries contrive to deceive their sovereign creditors, private lenders consider that to be the kiss of death for further business dealings.

I think that official Kiev has finally realized that it has utterly and irrevocably fallen into a financial trap. Jaresko has unexpectedly begun to stammer something about the fact that Kiev is «hoping for a pre-trial resolution of the issue» with Moscow. However, Ukraine’s finance minister made this statement about the debtor’s readiness for «good faith» negotiations with its creditor (which is a requirement under the new rules if a country is still to receive IMF money in the event of a sovereign default) on the same day as the announcement about the «moratorium» (i.e., the default). And even that was a verbal statement, not a formal proposal issued to the Russian Finance Ministry. I think that Kiev should have begun «good faith» negotiations several months earlier. Yatsenyuk and Natalie Jaresko now find themselves cornered on the financial chessboard. On Dec. 18, Kiev itself vehemently announced a «check». But beginning next year, its creditors will put it into checkmate.
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Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists

July 7, 2015

Exclusive: Ukraine’s post-coup regime is now melding neo-Nazi storm troopers with Islamic militants – called “brothers” of the hyper-violent Islamic State – stirring up a hellish “death squad” brew to kill ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, on Russia’s border, reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

In a curiously upbeat account, The New York Times reports that Islamic militants have joined with Ukraine’s far-right and neo-Nazi battalions to fight ethnic Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. It appears that no combination of violent extremists is too wretched to celebrate as long as they’re killing Russ-kies.

The article by Andrew E. Kramer reports that there are now three Islamic battalions “deployed to the hottest zones,” such as around the port city of Mariupol. One of the battalions is headed by a former Chechen warlord who goes by the name “Muslim,” Kramer wrote, adding:

The insignia of the Azov battalion, using the neo-Nazi symbol of the Wolfsangel.

“The Chechen commands the Sheikh Mansur group, named for an 18th-century Chechen resistance figure. It is subordinate to the nationalist Right Sector, a Ukrainian militia. … Right Sector … formed during last year’s street protests in Kiev from a half-dozen fringe Ukrainian nationalist groups like White Hammer and the Trident of Stepan Bandera.

“Another, the Azov group, is openly neo-Nazi, using the ‘Wolf’s Hook’ symbol associated with the [Nazi] SS. Without addressing the issue of the Nazi symbol, the Chechen said he got along well with the nationalists because, like him, they loved their homeland and hated the Russians.”

As casually as Kramer acknowledges the key front-line role of neo-Nazis and white supremacists fighting for the U.S.-backed Kiev regime, his article does mark an aberration for the Times and the rest of the mainstream U.S. news media, which usually dismiss any mention of this Nazi taint as “Russian propaganda.”

During the February 2014 coup that ousted elected President Viktor Yanukovych, the late fascist Stepan Bandera was one of the Ukrainian icons celebrated by the Maidan protesters. During World War II, Bandera headed the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-B, a radical paramilitary movement that sought to transform Ukraine into a racially pure state. At times coordinating with Adolf Hitler’s SS, OUN-B took part in the expulsion and extermination of tens of thousands of Jews and Poles.

Though most of the Maidan protesters in 2013-14 appeared motivated by anger over political corruption and by a desire to join the European Union, neo-Nazis made up a significant number and spearheaded much of the violence against the police. Storm troopers from the Right Sektor and Svoboda party seized government buildings and decked them out with Nazi insignias and a Confederate battle flag, the universal symbol of white supremacy.

Then, as the protests turned bloodier from Feb. 20-22, the neo-Nazis surged to the forefront. Their well-trained militias, organized in 100-man brigades called “sotins” or “the hundreds,” led the final assaults against police and forced Yanukovych and many of his officials to flee for their lives.

In the days after the coup, as the neo-Nazi militias effectively controlled the government, European and U.S. diplomats scrambled to help the shaken parliament put together the semblance of a respectable regime, although four ministries, including national security, were awarded to the right-wing extremists in recognition of their crucial role in ousting Yanukovych.

At that point, virtually the entire U.S. news media put on blinders about the neo-Nazi role, all the better to sell the coup to the American public as an inspirational story of reform-minded “freedom fighters” standing up to “Russian aggression.” The U.S. media delicately stepped around the neo-Nazi reality by keeping out relevant context, such as the background of national security chief Andriy Parubiy, who founded the Social-National Party of Ukraine in 1991, blending radical Ukrainian nationalism with neo-Nazi symbols. Parubiy was commandant of the Maidan’s “self-defense forces.”

Barbarians at the Gate

At times, the mainstream media’s black-out of the brown shirts was almost comical. Last February, almost a year after the coup, a New York Times article about the government’s defenders of Mariupol hailed the crucial  role played by the Azov battalion but managed to avoid noting its well-documented Nazi connections.

That article by Rick Lyman presented the situation in Mariupol as if the advance by ethnic Russian rebels amounted to the barbarians at the gate while the inhabitants were being bravely defended by the forces of civilization, the Azov battalion. In such an inspirational context, it presumably wasn’t considered appropriate to mention the Swastikas and SS markings.

Now, the Kiev regime has added to those “forces of civilization” — resisting the Russ-kie barbarians — Islamic militants with ties to terrorism. Last September, Marcin Mamon, a reporter for the Intercept, reached a vanguard group of these Islamic fighters in Ukraine through the help of his “contact in Turkey with the Islamic State [who] had told me his ‘brothers’ were in Ukraine, and I could trust them.”

The new Times article avoids delving into the terrorist connections of these Islamist fighters. But Kramer does bluntly acknowledge the Nazi truth about the Azov fighters. He also notes that American military advisers in Ukraine “are specifically prohibited from giving instruction to members of the Azov group.”

While the U.S. advisers are under orders to keep their distance from the neo-Nazis, the Kiev regime is quite open about its approval of the central military role played by these extremists – whether neo-Nazis, white supremacists or Islamic militants. These extremists are considered very aggressive and effective in killing ethnic Russians.

The regime has shown little concern about widespread reports of “death squad” operations targeting suspected pro-Russian sympathizers in government-controlled towns. But such human rights violations should come as no surprise given the Nazi heritage of these units and the connection of the Islamic militants to hyper-violent terrorist movements in the Middle East.

But the Times treats this lethal mixture of neo-Nazis and Islamic extremists as a good thing. After all, they are targeting opponents of the “white-hatted” Kiev regime, while the ethnic Russian rebels and the Russian government wear the “black hats.”

As an example of that tone, Kramer wrote: “Even for Ukrainians hardened by more than a year of war here against Russian-backed separatists, the appearance of Islamic combatants, mostly Chechens, in towns near the front lines comes as something of a surprise — and for many of the Ukrainians, a welcome one. … Anticipating an attack in the coming months, the Ukrainians are happy for all the help they can get.”

So, the underlying message seems to be that it’s time for the American people and the European public to step up their financial and military support for a Ukrainian regime that has unleashed on ethnic Russians a combined force of Nazis, white supremacists and Islamic militants (considered “brothers” of the Islamic State).

[For more on the Azov battalion, see’s “US House Admits Nazi Role in Ukraine.”]
Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and You also can order Robert Parry’s trilogy on the Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only $34. The trilogy includes America’s Stolen Narrative. For details on this offer, click here.
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Activity: 574
Merit: 506
There is large foreign interest, lack of central power or charismatic leader, absolute corruption on all levels of goverment and collapsing infrastructure and welfare state. Not a hint of german war machine. Not even a little bit. Just shadow.

Ukraine as a nation will be extinct in the next few years. Most probably, they will be split up and annexed by the neighboring countries, such as Russia, Poland, Romania, and Belarus. I am still not sure what part will be played by Germany. They don't share a common border with Ukraine. Likely, they will seize the Ukrianain assets abroad (if there are any) rather than annexing new territory.

Germany will have more, than enough of its own problems with ongoing population replacement. Frankly, I am not too concerned about Ukrainians as those that identify as such in the west of the country have healthy demographics, virtually no immigration and more than healthy sense of nationalism. Now, Germany turning ethnically and ideologically into northern Iraq, that is what we should be concerned about in twenty years. Currently most of eastern Europe serves as cheap labor and resource base to keep economy of german pensioners afloat.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
There is large foreign interest, lack of central power or charismatic leader, absolute corruption on all levels of goverment and collapsing infrastructure and welfare state. Not a hint of german war machine. Not even a little bit. Just shadow.

Ukraine as a nation will be extinct in the next few years. Most probably, they will be split up and annexed by the neighboring countries, such as Russia, Poland, Romania, and Belarus. I am still not sure what part will be played by Germany. They don't share a common border with Ukraine. Likely, they will seize the Ukrianain assets abroad (if there are any) rather than annexing new territory.
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Published on Apr 9, 2015
Ukrainian MPs have passed a law that officially recognizes Ukrainian nationalists who collaborated with Nazis in the 20th century as 'freedom fighters'. Members of several official, underground and paramilitary groups, including the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army, operated from 1917 till 1991. They fought 'for the country's independence,' and are now granted social benefits by the new law. RT talks to political analyst Alexander Pavic.

Guess I´ll repost the OP  Grin
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Well, if Wash. D.C. lawmakers have been reading only their own totally worthless whores in the papers and watching more of the same on TV, not to mention their own totally useless intelligence services - it´s no wonder that they´re figuring out now, in June 2015, that they haven´t been having much of a clue about what they´ve been babbling about and doing until now.
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Activity: 574
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I might elaborate on this later, but for many reasons, I find current ukrainian regime - ideologically but also practically, closer to Romanias and Italys bygone fascist days, rather than nazi Germany.

There is large foreign interest, lack of central power or charismatic leader, absolute corruption on all levels of goverment and collapsing infrastructure and welfare state. Not a hint of german war machine. Not even a little bit. Just shadow.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
U.S. House Admits Nazi Role in Ukraine

June 12, 2015

Exclusive: The U.S. House of Representatives has admitted an ugly truth that the U.S. mainstream media has tried to hide from the American people – that the post-coup regime in Ukraine has relied heavily on Nazi storm troopers to carry out its bloody war against ethnic Russians, reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

Last February, when ethnic Russian rebels were closing in on the Ukrainian port of Mariupol, the New York Times rhapsodically described the heroes defending the city and indeed Western civilization – the courageous Azov battalion facing down barbarians at the gate. What the Times didn’t tell its readers was that these “heroes” were Nazis, some of them even wearing Swastikas and SS symbols.

The long Times article by Rick Lyman fit with the sorry performance of America’s “paper of record” as it has descended into outright propaganda – hiding the dark side of the post-coup regime in Kiev. But what makes Lyman’s sadly typical story noteworthy today is that the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives has just voted unanimously to bar U.S. assistance going to the Azov battalion because of its Nazi ties.

When even the hawkish House of Representatives can’t stomach these Nazi storm troopers who have served as Kiev’s tip of the spear against the ethnic Russian population of eastern Ukraine, what does that say about the honesty and integrity of the New York Times when it finds these same Nazis so admirable?

And it wasn’t like the Times didn’t have space to mention the Nazi taint. The article provided much color and detail – quoting an Azov leader prominently – but just couldn’t find room to mention the inconvenient truth about how these Nazis had played a key role in the ongoing civil war on the U.S. side. The Times simply referred to Azov as a “volunteer unit.”

Yet, on June 10, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bipartisan amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act – from Reps. John Conyers Jr., D-Michigan, and Ted Yoho, R-Florida – that would block U.S. training of the Azov battalion and would prevent transfer of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to fighters in Iraq and Ukraine.

“I am grateful that the House of Representatives unanimously passed my amendments last night to ensure that our military does not train members of the repulsive neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, along with my measures to keep the dangerous and easily trafficked MANPADs out of these unstable regions,” said Conyers on Thursday.

He described Ukraine’s Azov Battalion as a 1,000-man volunteer militia of the Ukrainian National Guard that Foreign Policy Magazine has characterized as “openly neo-Nazi” and “fascist.” And Azov is not some obscure force. Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who oversees Ukraine’s armed militias, announced that Azov troops would be among the first units to be trained by the 300 U.S. military advisers who have been dispatched to Ukraine in a training mission codenamed “Fearless Guardian.”

White Supremacy

On Friday, a Bloomberg News article by Leonid Bershidsky noted that “it’s easy to see why” Conyers “would have a problem with the military unit commanded by Ukrainian legislator Andriy Biletsky: Conyers is a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Biletsky is a white supremacist. …

“Biletsky had run Patriot of Ukraine [the precursor of the Azov battalion] since 2005. In a 2010 interview he described the organization as nationalist ‘storm troops’ … The group’s ideology was ‘social nationalism’ — a term Biletsky, a historian, knew would deceive no one. …

“In 2007, Biletsky railed against a government decision to introduce fines for racist remarks: ‘So why the “Negro-love” on a legislative level? They want to break everyone who has risen to defend themselves, their family, their right to be masters of their own land! They want to destroy the Nation’s biological resistance to everything alien and do to us what happened to Old Europe, where the immigrant hordes are a nightmare for the French, Germans and Belgians, where cities are “blackening” fast and crime and the drug trade are invading even the remotest corners.’”

The Bloomberg article continued, “Biletsky landed in prison in 2011, after his organization took part in a series of shootouts and fights. Following Ukraine’s so-called revolution of dignity last year, he was freed as a political prisoner; right-wing organizations, with their paramilitary training, played an important part in the violent phase of the uprising against former President Viktor Yanukovych. The new authorities — which included the ultra-nationalist party Svoboda — wanted to show their gratitude.

“The war in the east gave Biletsky’s storm troopers a chance at a higher status than they could ever have hoped to achieve. They fought fiercely, and last fall, the 400-strong Azov Battalion became part of the National Guard, receiving permission to expand to 2,000 fighters and gaining access to heavy weaponry. So what if some of its members had Nazi symbols tattooed on their bodies and the unit’s banner bore the Wolfsangel, used widely by the Nazis during World War II?

“In an interview with Ukraine’s Focus magazine last September, Avakov, responsible for the National Guard, was protective of his heroes. He said of the Wolfsangel: ‘In many European cities it is part of the city emblem. Yes, most of the guys who assembled in Azov have a particular worldview. But who told you you could judge them? Don’t forget what the Azov Battalion did for the country. Remember the liberation of Mariupol, the fighting at Ilovaysk, the latest attacks near the Sea of Azov. May God allow anyone who criticizes them to do 10 percent of what they’ve done. And anyone who’s  going to tell me that these guys preach Nazi views, wear the swastika and so on, are bare-faced liars and fools.’”

Though the House vote on June 10 may have shined a spotlight into this dark corner of the U.S.-embraced Kiev regime, the reality has been well-known for many months – though played down in most of the Western news media, often dismissed as “Russian propaganda.”

Even the Times has included at least one brief reference to this reality, though buried deep inside an article. On Aug. 10, 2014, a Times’ article mentioned the Nazi taint of the Azov battalion in the last three paragraphs of a lengthy story on another topic.

“The fighting for Donetsk has taken on a lethal pattern: The regular army bombards separatist positions from afar, followed by chaotic, violent assaults by some of the half-dozen or so paramilitary groups surrounding Donetsk who are willing to plunge into urban combat,” the Times reported.

“Officials in Kiev say the militias and the army coordinate their actions, but the militias, which count about 7,000 fighters, are angry and, at times, uncontrollable. One known as Azov, which took over the village of Marinka, flies a neo-Nazi symbol resembling a Swastika as its flag.” [See’s “NYT Discovers Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis at War.”]

A Shiver Down the Spine

The conservative London Telegraph offered more details about the Azov battalion in an article by correspondent Tom Parfitt, who wrote: “Kiev’s use of volunteer paramilitaries to stamp out the Russian-backed Donetsk and Luhansk ‘people’s republics’… should send a shiver down Europe’s spine.

“Recently formed battalions such as Donbas, Dnipro and Azov, with several thousand men under their command, are officially under the control of the interior ministry but their financing is murky, their training inadequate and their ideology often alarming. The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites.”

Based on interviews with militia members, the Telegraph reported that some of the fighters doubted the reality of the Holocaust, expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler and acknowledged that they are indeed Nazis.

Biletsky, the Azov commander, “is also head of an extremist Ukrainian group called the Social National Assembly,” according to the Telegraph article which quoted a commentary by Biletsky as declaring: “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival. A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.”

In other words, for the first time since World War II, a government had dispatched Nazi storm troopers to attack a European population – and officials in Kiev knew what they were doing. The Telegraph questioned Ukrainian authorities in Kiev who acknowledged that they were aware of the extremist ideologies of some militias but insisted that the higher priority was having troops who were strongly motivated to fight. [See’s “Ignoring Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Storm Troopers.”]

But a rebel counteroffensive led by ethnic Russians last August reversed many of Kiev’s gains and drove the Azov and other government forces back to the port city of Mariupol, where Foreign Policy’s reporter Alec Luhn also encountered the Nazis. He wrote:

“Blue and yellow Ukrainian flags fly over Mariupol’s burned-out city administration building and at military checkpoints around the city, but at a sport school near a huge metallurgical plant, another symbol is just as prominent: the wolfsangel (‘wolf trap’) symbol that was widely used in the Third Reich and has been adopted by neo-Nazi groups. …

“Pro-Russian forces have said they are fighting against Ukrainian nationalists and ‘fascists’ in the conflict, and in the case of Azov and other battalions, these claims are essentially true.”

SS Helmets

More evidence continued to emerge about the presence of Nazis in the ranks of Ukrainian government fighters. Germans were shocked to see video of Azov militia soldiers decorating their gear with the Swastika and the “SS rune.” NBC News reported: “Germans were confronted with images of their country’s dark past … when German public broadcaster ZDF showed video of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi symbols on their helmets in its evening newscast.

“The video was shot … in Ukraine by a camera team from Norwegian broadcaster TV2. ‘We were filming a report about Ukraine’s AZOV battalion in the eastern city of Urzuf, when we came across these soldiers,’ Oysten Bogen, a correspondent for the private television station, told NBC News. “Minutes before the images were taped, Bogen said he had asked a spokesperson whether the battalion had fascist tendencies. ‘The reply was: absolutely not, we are just Ukrainian nationalists,’ Bogen said.”

Despite the newsworthiness of a U.S.-backed government dispatching Nazi storm troopers to attack Ukrainian cities, the major U.S. news outlets have gone to extraordinary lengths to excuse this behavior, with the Washington Post publishing a rationalization that Azov’s use of the Swastika was merely “romantic.”

This curious description of the symbol most associated with the depravity of the Holocaust and the devastation of World War II can be found in the last three paragraphs of a Post lead story published in September 2014. Post correspondent Anthony Faiola portrayed the Azov fighters as “battle-scarred patriots” nobly resisting “Russian aggression” and willing to resort to “guerrilla war” if necessary.

The article found nothing objectionable about Azov’s plans for “sabotage, targeted assassinations and other insurgent tactics” against Russians, although such actions in other contexts are regarded as terrorism. The extremists even extended their threats to the government of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko if he agrees to a peace deal with the ethnic Russian east that is not to the militia’s liking.

“If Kiev reaches a deal with rebels that they don’t support, paramilitary fighters say they could potentially strike pro-Russian targets on their own — or even turn on the government itself,” the article stated.

The Post article – like almost all of its coverage of Ukraine – was laudatory about the Kiev forces fighting ethnic Russians in the east, but the newspaper did have to do some quick thinking to explain a photograph of a Swastika gracing an Azov brigade barracks. So, in the last three paragraphs of the story, Faiola reported: “One platoon leader, who called himself Kirt, conceded that the group’s far right views had attracted about two dozen foreign fighters from around Europe.

“In one room, a recruit had emblazoned a swastika above his bed. But Kirt … dismissed questions of ideology, saying that the volunteers — many of them still teenagers — embrace symbols and espouse extremist notions as part of some kind of ‘romantic’ idea.”

Despite these well-documented facts, the New York Times excised this reality from its article about the Azov battalion’s defense of Mariupol last February. But isn’t the role of Nazis newsworthy? In other contexts, the Times is quick to note and condemn any sign of a Nazi resurgence in Europe. However, in Ukraine, where neo-Nazis, such as Andriy Parubiy served as the coup regime’s first national security chief and Nazi militias are at the center of regime’s military operations, the Times goes silent on the subject.

Rather than fully inform its readers about a crisis that has the potential of becoming a nuclear showdown between the United States and Russia, the Times has chosen to simply be a fount of State Department propaganda, often terming any reference to Kiev’s Nazi storm troopers to be “Russian propaganda.” Now, however, a unanimous U.S. House of Representatives — of all things — has acknowledged the unpleasant truth.
Activity: 1680
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APRIL 22, 2015 Y.K. CHERSON   
However, as it turned out, for Ukrainians, it does matter. And to such an extent, that they are starting to talk about another “revolution” in order to liquidate the “achievements” of the previous one. To stop these low-spirit talks, the Ukrainian President´s Administration prepared the law that is called “About the Status of Martial Law.” Actually, this law is quite logical; if as far back as January 27, the Ukrainian parliament approved the document where Russia was called “a country-aggressor”, then , if there is an aggressor and if there are territories this aggressor occupies, then Ukraine is in a state of war. And this supposes Martial Law.

What makes this law absolutely wonderful is that until it´s over, there will not be presidential or parliamentary elections, and all who usurped the power will keep it. So, all Ukrainian members of parliament, together with the Prime Minister and President are vitally interested that Crimea remain Russian for as long as possible. And if Donbass becomes Russian too, all Ukrainian officials without any doubt will send the “thank you” letter to Putin.

The US handlers have good experience in the area of martial law:
(The article at its original location is 404)
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APRIL 22, 2015 Y.K. CHERSON   

The “great” achievements from the revolution in Ukraine… that “democracy” may not be so democratic after all…

A year after the “revolution”, Ukrainians live happier every day. They are so happy that cursing the government and those in the West who reduced Ukraine to the level of Somalia has become a national sport. And the main target of these curses is US President Barack Hussein Obama and IMF. Although, for the sake of the truth, it´s not clear why Ukrainians blame their government; the Ukrainian President and Prime Minister are only doing what Obama, Merkel and IMF say to drag Ukraine to a “bright future”.

And the achievements are obvious: home prices on gas, electricity, heating and fuel are now close to the European ones. The wages, however, remained the same or fell even lower, and will remain so at least till the end of 2015. Unemployment grew six times. But what does such a trifle matter, if Ukraine is triumphantly marching to the tune of “democracy”?

However, as it turned out, for Ukrainians, it does matter. And to such an extent, that they are starting to talk about another “revolution” in order to liquidate the “achievements” of the previous one. To stop these low-spirit talks, the Ukrainian President´s Administration prepared the law that is called “About the Status of Martial Law.” Actually, this law is quite logical; if as far back as January 27, the Ukrainian parliament approved the document where Russia was called “a country-aggressor”, then , if there is an aggressor and if there are territories this aggressor occupies, then Ukraine is in a state of war. And this supposes Martial Law.

What makes this law absolutely wonderful is that until it´s over, there will not be presidential or parliamentary elections, and all who usurped the power will keep it. So, all Ukrainian members of parliament, together with the Prime Minister and President are vitally interested that Crimea remain Russian for as long as possible. And if Donbass becomes Russian too, all Ukrainian officials without any doubt will send the “thank you” letter to Putin.

The situation in Ukraine is catastrophic. And one should be an irreparable optimist to hope it would improve in the next three to five years. Ukrainian government and parliament, most probably, know about this – and that is why they’ve decided to take measures to include in the Martial Law a clause about supplying the population with basic products. Actually, it is a rationing system, when pensioners and all those who work in a public sector will be getting a rationed set of basic products. Others will have to buy food in the free market at exorbitant prices. From where will they take the money to do it? On this, the government is silent.

The Law also envisages a labor conscription, like in Hitler’s Germany in the 20s-30s. Of course, this conscription supposes a ban on strikes and trade unions, and cutting off wages; again, like in Hitler’s Germany.

Understanding that working for a piece of bread is not something many Ukrainians will like and that quite a lot of them will prefer to run away from so much luck that would befall them in the result of the frenetic activity of their government, the Ukrainian President and his team included in the Law the clause that forbids to change place of residence or seriously limits the right to change it. How not! How will the government mobilize citizens if it cannot control where they live?! And of course, for those who can be drafted, such a ban is absolutely necessary; entire Ukrainian villages are standing empty; the residents hired buses and moved to Russia, to that same “country- aggressor”.

If the Ukrainian government does not put an end to it, cities will follow villages.

In order to ensure the successful implementation of this law, police and security got the right to check documents and personal belongings of the citizens at any place, including cars, vehicles, work and in their homes without any order. Citizens of the “country- aggressor”, i.e. all Russian citizens who  have bad luck to be in Ukrainian territory, for example visiting their relatives, should be placed in internal camps.

What Ukraine will look like after the implementation of Martial Law could be seen recently in Slaviansk, a small Ukrainian town where the action of “revealing the common separatism” started. The leaflets appeared in the streets of Slaviansk with the helpful information about how honest citizens can tell a “common separatist” from other honest citizens. By the information in these leaflets, a common separatist is someone who spreads the information that threatens the integrity of the State. What are the criteria of this terrible information? It includes the call to surrender to Russia or invitation to Russia to enter troops in Ukraine; propaganda of the Russian symbols or of the concept “Russian World”; any doubts in existence of Ukraine as a State; profanation of the Ukrainian State symbols, like its flag, anthem or national emblem; propaganda of the People´s Republic of Donetsk or People’s Republic of Lugansk: any protest against mobilization; any events with calls to topple the authorities or to riots: spreading of lies, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, spreading of panic and low spirits.

The punishment for such actions, as the leaflets inform, may vary from 10 or 15 years in prison to a life sentence. (Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Those honest citizens who want to inform the authorities about some “common separatist” are offered “hotline” phone numbers of the police and national security.

It’s obvious, that with this law, practically ANY Ukrainian can be arrested and sentenced for life. For example, saying that for Ukraine it would be better to join the Customs Union instead of the European Union? It means a surrender to Russia.

A demand to raise pensions and wages can be easily qualified as a call to riot. Any point of view different from the official position of Kiev will be a lie.  And if someone thinks that “ the revolution” led to a catastrophic decline in  economy and converted Ukraine into an international beggar- then he spreads panic and low spirits.

After this law, the number of Ukrainians who will categorically deny that Ukraine is falling into the abyss of a Nazi State will without any doubt seriously grow: let you die today, and I shall die tomorrow…

But die all the same.

Obama can be proud: the $5 billion America invested in organizing a Ukrainian putsch, toppling the Ukrainian President and destroying the Ukrainian economy and sovereignty were a good investment.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
American handlers, when prohibiting his books, have definitely not studied the Russian history and the mindset of a Russian (and Ukrainians - minus Galicians - are, by and large - Russians). The best way to ensure that a book is read by the largest possible audience over the shortest possible span of time by is banning it. Smiley It's always been like that - both in Russia before the 1917 coup d'etat, and during the Soviet times. Pirate copies of copies of the books would circulate from hand to hand...

Internet penetration is very high in the former USSR, and it is not actually possible to ban anything. Even if his books are banned in the hard copy format, they will be downloaded in their millions from various user forums. The idiots of the Kiev junta has made Oles Buzina a martyr by murdering him and banning his works.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
On the 16th of April, the Ukrainian historian and journalist Oles Buzina was murdered. Now, the Nazi authorities, puppeteered from America, have basically taken responsibility for the atrocity. All his books became banned in Ukraine, and removed from the shelves of the book stores:
And what did you expect from the typical ukrainian democracy?
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1014
I hope not, if something were to happen not only lose my faith in humanity, but i seem to be extinguished either by allowing such a thing to another already passed.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
'Slow and steady wins the race'
We’re seeing revival of Nazism & fascism in Ukraine' we have seen that in the US since ww2 when they take the high up nazis and put them in positions of power, all the money movers are worse as they are the ones who funded and built the party.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
On the 16th of April, the Ukrainian historian and journalist Oles Buzina was murdered. Now, the Nazi authorities, puppeteered from America, have basically taken responsibility for the atrocity. All his books became banned in Ukraine, and removed from the shelves of the book stores:
Thus they are trying to kill him the second time by silencing his works, which are, in fact are pro-Ukrainian, but just don't follow the Soros-written distorted history of Ukraine as indoctrinated there.

American handlers, when prohibiting his books, have definitely not studied the Russian history and the mindset of a Russian (and Ukrainians - minus Galicians - are, by and large - Russians). The best way to ensure that a book is read by the largest possible audience over the shortest possible span of time by is banning it. Smiley It's always been like that - both in Russia before the 1917 coup d'etat, and during the Soviet times. Pirate copies of copies of the books would circulate from hand to hand...
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover

It has become a popular position both in the mainstream and pseudo-alternative media, and among those on the Russophobic left, to downplay the significant fascist influence on the political and military institutions, as well as the cultural character of the “New Ukraine.” Quite often, the reality of Ukrainian fascism is obscured by vague assertions that such conclusions are merely “Russian propaganda,” that they are simply Kremlin talking points, and not statements of objective reality.

Indeed, influential political figures such as the ever-hilarious John McCain and Jen Psaki, and global media brands like The Guardian and FOX, have all rushed to the nearest camera or twitter account to proclaim that Ukraine is “free” and that we should “stand united” with it. Carefully embedded in these pleas is the notion that Ukraine is democratic, and that whatever “ultra-nationalists” – coded language for fascists and Nazis – exist, are merely a marginal influence at best. ...... more

There is only one point that I disagree with in that article, and that is its criticism of Associated Press.

AP refers to criticism of the Azov Battalion for its “far-right sentiments including brandishing an emblem widely used in Nazi Germany.” Unpack that deliberately, deceptively circumspect language, and it becomes clear that there is a fear, if not outright refusal, to call Azov Battalion what they are: Nazis.

AP operates within the constraints of the Washington party line and its implied censorship. And they are resorting to the same mechanisms as the press in the Soviet Union did - a language, and packaging of facts that expected the reader to read between the lines, but still fooled the censorship enough to be allowed into print. And whereas someone from the Soviet era would immediately read "Nazi Azov Battalion" when seeing "Azov Battalion, a volunteer force that has attracted criticism for its far-right sentiments including brandishing an emblem widely used in Nazi Germany.", the Western readers still have to train themselves in this art of reading between the lines. When the above quote is read directly, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that "Unpack that deliberately, deceptively circumspect language, and it becomes clear that there is a fear, if not outright refusal, to call Azov Battalion what they are: Nazis."

We should here remember that is is the Associated Press reporter that asked the most inconvenient and truth-seeking questions of Paski, causing her to psaki even more. So it is difficult to accuse AP of deceit. It is more that in order to actually print the truth that they find, they first have to bypass the censorship...
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
sorry to often contradicts you, but they can't train Nazi... I know I play with words, you know why? they are Nazis. you know who think a like try to fuck the world togheter... poor uncultivated, they have no idea about PLAoC.... hahahaha... no mercy,,, ahh and everyone that worked for cnn... live hd 4k, how ironic... I love bathing in blood of subhumans... Cheesy. I just hope they aren't too toxic for the trees... may be a little bit of preprocessing (like boiling or what ever, anyway I don't care, as long as they aren't). thank you for your kindness (never lose focus).
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover

It has become a popular position both in the mainstream and pseudo-alternative media, and among those on the Russophobic left, to downplay the significant fascist influence on the political and military institutions, as well as the cultural character of the “New Ukraine.” Quite often, the reality of Ukrainian fascism is obscured by vague assertions that such conclusions are merely “Russian propaganda,” that they are simply Kremlin talking points, and not statements of objective reality.

Indeed, influential political figures such as the ever-hilarious John McCain and Jen Psaki, and global media brands like The Guardian and FOX, have all rushed to the nearest camera or twitter account to proclaim that Ukraine is “free” and that we should “stand united” with it. Carefully embedded in these pleas is the notion that Ukraine is democratic, and that whatever “ultra-nationalists” – coded language for fascists and Nazis – exist, are merely a marginal influence at best. ...... more
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
April 10th 75 years ago. Nazi forces are already well entrenched in Norway, the day after the invasion starts.

Well, the Norwegians sure as hell have no statues of Quisling but Bandera and other murdering WW2 scum are national heroes in Ukraine, at least in some of the area of that country that modern day nazis control. And they have statues.

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