My prediction: False-flag "terrorism" in the US or Europe that is blamed on domestic or Middle-eastern "terrorists" funded with Bitcoin, but actually paid for by the banksters and carried out covertly by the CIA/FBI/NSA/Mossad using patsies. This false-flag event could be an assassination, a "dirty bomb" explosion, or a cyber-attack on internet/financial infrastructure or the power grid. The mainstream media has been laying the groundwork to pin such events on Israel's antagonists in the Middle East for the past several years. One of Israel's antagonists will be blamed, giving Israel and the US a pretext for endless war in Iran/Syria/North Africa. The false-flag terror will also provide the US Govt with a rationale to clamp down on constitutional freedoms, justify continuing NSA total surveillance, and beginning a new war on crypto-currencies.
When a non-expert starts spouting off pseudo intellectual non-sense gleamed from some books and articles, that does FAR more damage to the cause of fighting against actual government conspiracies than any government action could ever hope to do.
This isn't a game. Stop making a scapegoat of the 'guberment' for everything. People who indulge in that type of shit typically have a very selective view of what should be attributed to whom, especially in regards to their own personal obligations.
'cept the dude is right. The western governments, and especially the US government, really are that cartoonishly villainous at this point. And we need a pretext for invading Iran/Syria, at least one that won't provoke China and Russia into retaliating and triggering WWIII.
And what's an expert anyway nowadays? It's someone who has been indoctrinated, bought off, or has an agenda in almost every case. I have found it far more informative in the past few years to listen to the common internet man while comparing it to the available objective data than to listen to any mainstream experts.
Let me get this straight: Some fool spouting off about how the other side is all just indoctrinated, bought off, or has an agenda is trying to tell others how he is more 'informed' than others? Why, is playing the contrarian 'revolutionary' the only rationale you need to justify whatever you feel like mouthing off?
Are you sure you are not being cartoonishly naive?
Also, if you want to see 'cartoonish villainy', I suggest actually trying to live under a real tyranny and dictatorship. To come to understand what it means to fear informers and your own family because of 'public security' informers. To truly understand what it means to feel a fear of real torture, not the kind of 'torture' that involves the EBIL government employee trying to get a permission to 'bellyslap' a prisoner.
Wait, are those kinds of villains too much for you to actually take on? Because they couldn't care less what anyone thinks about their 'human rights' and 'civil liberties'?
So instead of real villains, you cowards point fingers and bitch at 1st world governments, laws, and societies whose character you don't even fully understand, never mind fully appreciate. I laugh at each and every one of fools who think Iraq and Afghanistan wars are 'atrocities'. More people died from auto accidents in quarter of the globe in a year, than all the supposed 'indirect civilian' casualties who were too busy killing each other in a festival of sectarian violence and usual warlord behaviors.
Listening to you anti-government fools is really no different than listening to OWS kids.