This has been fairly well covered by others, particularly Nicholas Bell's calculations on how long it would take to generate sufficient addresses to deliberately try to grab someone else's money. So it's not feasible as an attack.
Now, let's examine what would happen if it happened by chance. Suppose you and I hit that once in a billion billion lifetimes of a universe chance, and we both generate the same address. Someone sends 100BTC to that address. Both of our clients would say "Aha, that's for me!" and each of our wallets would show an increase of 100BTC. One of us would be pleasantly surprised that 100BTC suddenly appeared. Whoever spent it first would be successful, and the other one would see a mysterious disappearance of 100BTC.
In addition to that, you should keep in mind the % of transactions that are "my entire life savings". It's far more likely that even if the above scenario took place, it'd be a micro-transaction.
I'm just guessing because I haven't seen studies or stats on this anywhere, but I'd say the majority of transactions are for tiny amounts, then a smaller number of them are for 'large' transactions, then an even smaller number again would be for "this is everything I've got!"-type transactions.
So if you're really that paranoid, you could somewhat reduce your (already insanely low) risk by sending multiple small amounts, instead of one large. (Edit: And by sending any large amounts you receive immediately to a 'savings' address.)
That is exactly what I do. Whenever I receive a payment that is larger than 20BTC, I send it to a savings wallet in smaller chunks.
But here is my question: Let's say I send 10BTC to my savings address. Then I send another 10BTC to the same savings address.
How are these two transactions treated in the savings wallet?
Do they get combined or do they stay separate?
Should there be an address collision (I know, it's very unlikely), are both amounts vulnerable or only one of them?
SteveB ... you know, with all the complaining you do about BTC why the hell are you using it?
? Seriously, I would never do business, or for that matter be friends with someone who only sees the negative side of things. Life is imperfect, suck it up, deal, and move the @#$ on. The only absolute in this life is that you will die at some point. I don't see you bitching about cars, computers, clothing, electronics etc., etc., etc that are all imperfect.
If you so f%^ scared of loosing some money then why do you have any, of any currency or denomination to begin with, I mean seriously, when I'm trying to get new manufacturers/wholesalers/clients/people/etc .. and they want to know about bitcoin, I refer them to and say .. "every thing you need to know is there, it's your choice, contact me if you interested" and I do NOT answer questions because I do not know everything about them and I'm not going to give out false info. ... simple ... if they are interested they'll do it .. if not .. leave them . move on to the next that WILL be interested and not care about every little perceived flaw in existence.
Your scared about loosing BTC in your wallet .. make a bunch of addresses then divide your own BTC between all your own addresses ... a little here, a little there ... diversify .. minimal risk .. done!
Dude, we all have better things to do ... including you. You want to worry ... he he he .. look at a picture of me and try to guess how long it's been since I got laid
... or look up conspiracies/cops/governments/etc and go nuts .. otherwise .. it's just money, use it, don't .. whatever ... just shut the f#@$ up move on.