So say if you conspiracy theorists are correct and this is indeed one big scam. Does that mean theoretically ETC is also a scam because the Etheruem foundation would also hold the same amount of ETC coins after the split?
By design yeah i agree.
People need to look at the idealogy of crypto.
Skipping that is what creates these situations.
Hefty premines or ICO's and starting companies etc are all bullshit we should not embrace.
ETH is not a part of my crypto-future.
That should be increased decentralization and not the opposite which ETH brings to the table.
Or *ANY* ICO bullshit.
For one thing we need to get proper decentralized exchanges going i think.
Ethereum ROI's on Polo and then ICO inside an ICO inside an ICO is silly retarded crypto-faggotry.
No person has ever said that what Ethereum did was an improvement over BTC's distribution.
The ICO system is a step down and in reverse.
And i want to see us move forward in a positive & constructive direction.
During the peak of 2013 etc Gavin and others were getting vast amounts of Foundation money.
Gavin got a hair under 1 million a year "salary"
Guys.. power & money corrupts.. ALWAYS !
Anyone here who wakes up to see they have a million in cash in the bank is done for.
Why bring this up ?
Guys permitting the ICO is putting people in the position.
That position that is vulnerable to greed & corruption etc.
The concept is silly retarded bullshit on soooooo many levels.
Imagine a bank leaving the vault doors open so clients can come in and take what they want.
What do you think people are going to do ?
And you will all scroll down and buy more.. because you are the same.
You all keep making money off ICO's like Ethereum so you couldn't care less.
I can guarantee you all one thing.
There is 0 chance Ethereum will take over for Bitcoin.
None at all what so ever.. EVER !