To begin with, I want to address people saying 'if you have nothing to hide it doesn't matter',
and I'd like to respond to that with a quote from Edward Snowden
"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."I'd like to hear other members opinion's about
digital privacy.
I think it's interesting to ask here, since generally people on this forum are probably at least slightly "technically competent" than the average person.
I personally really despise all types of privacy breach and I actively refuse to use any services which does more than the bare minimum(using user-data for improving the services).
Today, so many online services, and also operative systems and software, are all actively tracking user data, and the standard is to have it as "Active" from start, which means most people will have it on without knowing(not reading). Take Windows 10 as an example, or phone operative systems, Facebook/Twitter and all these big giants that actually creates nothing but yet are valued at hundreds of billions of dollars...
All our data is just out there, the
obvious things such as things we have 'googled', written, emails, websites we visit, messages...
semi obvious things such as our constant location data (on phones for example), our opinions(searches/texts/things we 'like')
and the
less obvious things, all the "unconcious" data such as general activity (at what times we do what, habits, and so on)
(these are not necessarily collected all by one entity, but a combination of ISPs, websites, software, apps, operative systems etc)In essence, with our data, without ever having met us - if the data was pooled between 'the big companies', they could
easily build
very detailed profiles of all of us. Some of the data is sold and/or used for marketing, an example is Google Ads targetting your habits, and Facebook's entire business model.
Not only is this disturbing for (some of us/me), it's also absurd to
be the product, considering the minimal control and the huge intrusions that are taken (zero transparency).
I would simply like to share my personal steps for digital privacy, which aren't made for criminals(not trying to "be hidden"), it's just things to make your presence less traceable,
and hopefully other members have some tips to share
Operative SystemI suggest using
Linux as it's free(and we're not a product
) and comes with basically all Windows functionality without all the garbage that came with Windows 10.
When Windows 10 came out, it was a free update - probably because Microsoft realised the value of
user data instead of the OS itself!
Not only is Windows 10 filled with privacy intrusive code, it's also filled with
garbage like
tons of random apps, Xbox, Minecraft, and
many of these can only be uninstalled via the PowerShell!
(not much of a "fact", but if you try open CMD - Windows Key + R + write "netstat -b", it should be showing all processes transmitting data.. how many can you explain? how much do you have running that is connected to the internet?)Windows 10 has lots of tracking enabled by default, and if you read, or at least skim through, their
privacy statement,
I'm sure you'll be surprised to see all the data they have the right to collect:
Location, devices, web activity, biometric data(voice/text), and more.
Sure it can be analysed by the OS for various reasons, but
why collect it?
We pay to be tracked!
If you insist on using Windows 10 I suggest opening the control panel and going through the Privacy and block everything, at the very least.
On top of that, there are three great pieces of software available:Antispy tool for Windows 10DisableWinTracking (click "Clone or Download" and then "Download ZIP")TinyWall - a firewall which blocks every single internet connecting process and lets you manually allow them through.
Otherwise, I really suggest going for Linux - maybe
Linux Mint, it's free and just as Windows(except games doesn't work as well), and has a lot of great stuff built in.
Just need a memory stick or a cd!
I have no clue about Apple's OS/products, but I imagine they're worse than Windows due to the nature of isolation.General Web ActionsIf you use Google and any of their products, some of your data can be downloaded
You can disable a lot of your data tracking
on this page.
However, I'm 99% certain they're still collecting the same data, just not displaying and actively using it. Kinda have to be able to provide your data in case of legal problems.On
this Google Ad-settings page, you can tell Google not to trace
browser-specific data(applies even if you're not logged in), and not to use your data for target advertising.
Europeans can protect their privacy from ad companies
on this site (barely functions).
If you have the energy to, it's wise to change from one of the major mailproviders, to for example your own mail server, or ProtonMail, or something else that is private!
With your own mail server, or if you purchase a host and a domain, you could even have [email protected] or something like that.
By doing this, you don't let your GMail/Hotmail or whichever provider, scan and store what you write.You can replace Google with a privacy search engine, such as
duckduckgo or
General Browser ActionsOpt out of any data collection in the browser settings,
tell your browser to send sites a "
Do Not Track" signal.
I personally suggest using Firefox, or if you like Chrome, use Chromium (open-source).I highly advise downloading the following plugins(they are for Firefox/Chrome):NoScript(firefox) or
ScriptSafe(chrome) - prevents all scripts from running, requires manual approval(temporary/permanent).
uBlock Origin - block known advertisement trackers, go into the settings to enable more filters(many to choose from, known 'country specific' ad sources etc)
Decentraleyes - if possible, load content from '
Content Delivery Networks' via them rather than from the source (to protect your privacy)
HTTPS Everywhere - force HTTPS when possible. HTTPS means your data, like a submitted post on this forum, isn't posted in plain text(can't be read by ISP)
Cookie AutoDelete(Firefox, Chrome) - delete cookies automatically, which means any data a server saves in your cookies won't be readable when you return. (this would also mean you're always logged out and such, so you can disable it for specific sites!) - also deletes a new type of cookie known as an LSO cookie.
Virtual Private NetworksYou can also use a VPN service, there are tons of them if you google. I suggest using a well known one just to ensure that
they also keep your data private.
A VPN encrypts your traffic and goes through another or multiple other nodes(other networks), before it reaches the end point,
and then sends it back to you, and due to connecting through other nodes, your ip isn't exposed to the end service(the website for example).
Also, your ISP can't see anything you do using a VPN due to all data transmitted being encrypted (i.e your request > through nodes > to site and back to you).
Therefore, it makes your general internet presence well hidden. I suggest getting a country-specific network VPN, or atleast one with a wide variety of nodes to choose from, so you don't have to connect all around the world for everything you do(it's slow!). However, if you are not removing cookies,
you'd still be trackable since browser-specific data can be saved in your cookies.
There are free VPNs, but they might be slow. I'd suggest going with a reputable VPN provider(usually you have to pay, either monthly, or atleast if your traffic goes above a certain amount).
Tor Browser is basically Firefox with a built in VPN, and only applies in the browser. Connecting to a VPN using software, makes all your traffic go through the VPN.
Some sites like Google might not function using a VPN/Tor (flagged for a bot ip or something like that).
Tor is free, and probably due to that, lots of people/bots use it and it's generally quite slow.
In short, VPNs are great but might cost/be slow, but they're really the best alternative to hide your presence because no service can tie any data to Your person.
However, it's quite pointless if you plan on using for example, Facebook, with your real account..!
Short note on social network trackingWithout using NoScript/ScriptSafe (or another solution),
any type of button like a Facebook 'login' or 'share' button,
submits your presence on this specific site, to Facebook.
This means that they know every site you visit, if it has those buttons. I'd assume the same goes for Twitter, Google Social Share and all these kind of things.
You don't even need to be logged in - your IP is known and can therefore be tied with your profile.
Short note on mobile devicesI find phones awful in terms of privacy, since they're very strict with access. I'm sure one can "jailbreak" or something - I suck with phones and I avoid using mine, so I'm not too aware of what measures to take here.If you use Google, Facebook and apps like these, you can be certain they're pinging your phone to save your location very, very often (I read somewhere that someone who was measuring the data saw it ping every 10 seconds or less). And once you give an app access to your phone (usually it asks for permission), it could basically be doing whatever with your data at that point. It might ask to know your contact list to import friends, and then it might be saving your contact list. Here's a post about
Shadow Profiling by Facebook.
Finally, I'd like to say that my personal opinion about sites such as Facebook and Twitter and all these,
they don't contribute to society - using sites like Facebook can be a mental health risk.
I believe that'd be because it's always comparing one-self with others, people are only showing the good stuff on social media!
In terms of market value, they're basically worthless and not creating anything for the world, among with many other companies today.. will see when that bottom falls out?It's another debate - just in terms of privacy, things like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google,
all these are free because you are the product.
How are you the product? By submitting your data!
So, now I have written my opinion and my tips - I
really hope there are someone else who can give me some tips!
I like to feel that my privacy is somewhat protected.