A number of types of steakholder Come up when I think about Consensus, in the Context Of Bitcoin.
Core devs of Bitcoind/QT
Devs of other implementations
It would be helpfull to have clarification on this question of What is really meant by the devs themselves when they talk about consensus. What is the intended scope and how is it decided. I have a fair idea how it goes already, but it's not an explicit protocol itself.
This sugestion of the OP, kinda gets down to how important is it to the devs/BF, to foster consensus as broadly as possible. Should it be consensus of only those who do core code, or also those who can read code but only use & test the software?
A concise and clear protocol definition should help not only potential alternative implementation devs, but also people who are not actualy coders (or maybe neophytes) to understand the technicalities and also in dealing with more admin/systems-analysis type matters. That in turn, is critical to feilding informed consensus from the non-developer community.
That said, is there any reason why those of us with more peripheral skills shouldn't take the inititive and help ourselves to the problem/task? I think it would be a great spring-board into more serious coding for anybody with intermedite or less skills, who may be a bit apprehnsive of coding in the client itself. Also the work on profiling and style, sounds like a great student task.
Maybe we need more of an overt system for dev mentoring of newbie programers of whom they may co-opt into the less system critical and more mundane house keeping chores. Of course, the proceeds of a bounty or funding drive couldnt hurt either. I would happily throw a couple of btc into the hat to see a dev mentor system founded.
About the existing specs that have allready been mentioned here; what was the problem with them again?
I might take a look at them and the source, just to see if a dunce amongst the geeks can gleen some differentiation between the interface code, the main body of the protocol and the rest.
It may help if the core devs could develop a habit of some infomal comment markup, for less invasive follow up work. If they are going over a part that could easily be abstracted (without busting it), they might put in some thing like:
// _dev_abst_&test @ 18333 .... lines=45
That could denote that the following 45 lines have been earmarked for abstraction chores and the resulting build should be tested on port 18333 or whatever the testnet port is. Then the student devs could use the comment notations to pick out bits of work that are usefull and educational, but otherwise boring and mundane to the main devs. If these changes were held off the table and not released in the next one or two releases, then testing could ensure the changes were safe to merge into the main codebase and release into the wild.
I have the utmost respect for the devs however much they achive. They could easily be coding for their own bitcoin startups, mining, or just go fishing. But if the work load is accumulating, then the recruitment of new devs is a good option. When in doubt - mumble. When in trouble - delegate.
The poverty of the foundation/devs/community shouldn't even need to be raised, in a movement that is manifesting the future of money; one I might add, that's made some very wealthy people. Patrons shouldn't be hard at all to come by.