Just took a look at the site for the first time, it was really smooth as compared to any other exchange and fast but i think the exchange need complete UI makeover.
The charcoal/black background is making everything look so confusing and weird, the main background should be white/whitish so that everything looks clear and straight.
I think i found what a little fix can help the UI, if you don't display the orderbook,pending orders,ticker etc in full size and instead leave some space in both side of the page and add some tables and tabs it will look completely different, also i think the MY pending orders should be only thing with TYPE - BUY OR SELL as a field name with different color ( red and green), you are making the page a bit too long.
Lastly the ticker widget in all the pages looks little weird that too in full width page size.
Just a few suggestions from first look, i hope u can make the site more user friendly, don't the comments in negative way
Just looked at this picture from 2015 with white bg, looks 10x more clear and better then the current imo, why the change?