There are now over 1,500 different types of cryptocurrencies, 22 million wallets for storing them, and thousands of exchanges to trade them on. This rise in numbers over a short period since Bitcoin introduction in 2008 turned a multitude of crypto users and traders into millionaires in the process. And although the lucrative investment has increased the pocket size of many, it also brought in those who want to take advantage of it.
Within the first nine months of 2018 alone, cryptocurrency theft has led to the loss of nearly a billion dollars, a 250 percent rise from a previous year. Whether it is through the hacking of exchanges, such as the $500 million Coincheck hack, or the theft of a few dollars from a wallet, cryptocurrency thieves are finding new means of taking your cryptocurrencies. Phishing, brute forcing and phone-porting are just a few of the methods used by crypto thieves to steal your cryptoassets, but there are ways to prevent them.
Phishing has been around for quite some time, and it is no longer only utilized by princes of foreign lands requiring your credit card information. The technique has been expanded for cryptocurrency theft, too. Hackers send emails to various cryptocurrency owners, and when opened, infect computers with malicious malware, at times even holding a victim’s computer hostage until a cryptocurrency ransom is paid.
Brute forcing
Brute forcing relies on hacking programs, often purchased through the dark web, which use a trial and error approach to gain users’ passwords. If the program doesn’t pick up your password on the fifth try maybe it’ll get it on a try five thousand. All that matters is that once the program achieves what it was built for, you can say goodbye to your cryptocurrencies.
Phone-porting occurs when a hacker uses a victim’s telephone number to take over his/her mobile account. Then hacker accesses the victim’s exchange account by resetting the password with the telephone number and then steals cryptocurrency from the account.