Bitcoin value is nullified without internet and electricity, so why would the society start adopting something which value is that vulnerable? Bitcoin is good for speculation, and, I guess, it is speculation (and online gambling indeed) that brought Bitcoin where it is today and keeps it alive for now...
i think humanity is nullified without electricity. I remember a year ago we had Glaze ice. Since most of electric power lines are not berried in ground but on surface and since we have lots of trees that in glaze ice make them brake and collapse on this power lines. So it happened that some people was almost a week without electricity. It was end of winter or early spring time like few months back from now. Not that is freezing but is still cold. People had no heating and also because of no TV and internet they also felt abandoned also communication was really disabled.
When you have electricity you dont really see you need it. Once you dont have it for few days you only realize how your life would change. But how would if change if there would not be any anywhere on the world?