the doge tipping is interesting but i still hate that coin and think its still a cancer.
and i was trading last summer too and i don't think it was as slow as you said or how your making it sound.. look at Cryptsy's graphs for volume
free market is a catch all excuse to act like a sleaze bag and i am sooooo sick of hearing all you scam coin supporters parrot that like your official mantra
it's bs.
One thing you many of you don't like is when i remind you how other so called free markets often used in comparison
are actually in fact regulated.. so guys like BitJohn or whom ever would prob be doing jail time like Martha Stewart for using Exchange info to trade with..
Kinda funny how the guys that run exchanges add coins with no warning eh ? He can view your info and then go trade..
and has before shielded devs from their identity from the public and much much more with all his buddies of course.. you know the ones who hide from support now lol
You don't think their old good buddies who made the coins had anything to do with that do you ? Hell we had a chat moderator with account access and he had his own coin
that was made in part by a guy who has half the coins on cryptsy and they have the nerve to say there is no back room shit going on.. bull fucking shit !
Let me say one example randomly i heard word for word from iGotSpots and BitJohn..
They had admitted and privately discussed adding the coin and gave Spots the choice as to what market he wanted his coin on THEY SAID
and you don't think these guys hanging out for a year or two aren't going to use that info to their advantage ? duh...
So we have corruption.. scams.. no regulation and an endless stream of pyramid schemes essentially that have to cave in on themselves
because when you run out of new guys the thing collapses.. same reason why Bitcoin went to $1200 and fell down and stayed down i think..
not enough new users at the same or higher rate as before coming in basically.
I see nothing but the usual greedy people making poor excuses for destroying this scene slowly.. like wringing out a cloth until they can get that last dollar
and then they will scatter.. NONE of them will accept any responsibility for anything at all and in fact they will join in later with a pitch fork
and pretend they wanna get the bad guys too, when in fact they are one of them and know it.
I think a key issue is the antics of coin cloners and their supporters are getting so bad that they are turning heads across the globe
and banks and governments etc are taking notice and they are not seeing anything good if they come here and look at the altcoin forum section lol
Hell these guys long ago use to at least *try and make it look like a real coin.. now you can't even call them coins.. their scams.. pretty much a like a ponzi scheme.
Is TrollCoin going to be accepted instead of Bitcoin anywhere ? nope. then what is the point ?
Imagine having to run a till at a retail store and having 900 currencies in there lol
I could write a phone book sized list of scummy dipshit bs i see in this scene prob daily.. it's that bad.
And what is worse is most guys see NOTHING bad at all and tell you to quit saying anything negative. (or attack you / troll you etc)
Your on the titanic and many cocky pricks deserve to drown and i won't feel sorry for them.
I see greedy people taking as much as they can as fast as they can, *rather than thinking long term.
Regulation needs to come in and clean house and a lot of guys need to change their ways or get busted for fraud.
A couple arrests and watch how fast your eBuddies and "communities" stab your in the back.. it will be anarchy and it's coming soon.
I guarantee the FBI is actively involved in this community/scene and many others prob form government branches.
The Titanic is unsinkable though right ?