Nobody sells drugs... drugs sell themselves
You cannot stop drugs by killing the dealers... there will always be a new person to take their place... always
The only way to stop drugs is to stop people from wanting drugs... that's the only way
its the illegal drugs that were talking. if the people are now educated and knew taht they could be killed with just the possession of these stuff, they'd rather not get involved to drugs. Roman catholics don't want death penalty, they'd kill the proposal of death penalty thru marching on streets and so he better just kill these drug related individuals without trail then.
illegal drugs may not have much demands in the country in the next few months.
Are you planning on prosecuting the users? (the demand). Going after the supply didn't work in any country of the world. We have a billion dollar war on drugs here, both the supply and demand is prosecuted but the market still exists.
It's a very optimistic view, just execute every criminal. The commies tried a similar thing, but that didn't stop the Russian Mafia. Mafia is very creative, they will infiltrate in the government, military, police and every organization you can think of. I'm skeptical if this will stop the "war on drugs".
Example of Mafia creativity: "ebay for drugs, drugs arrive in your mailbox. Drug dealer never entered the Philippines."