Just because they don't like us does not mean that we should not help the civilians.
i thought you said you're from Germany. my, how easy was that? are you Syrian?
To quote myself: Some rebel groups are indeed anti west/us - but so what? Just because they don't like us does not mean that we should not help the civilians.
How could you misunderstand that? Or is Germany not part of the West in your opinion? Please elaborate further. On second thought, please don't. You sound like a republican. (We germans find you funny because you stand for all that is wrong with the US
i actually understand you perfectly.
you send in the cruise missiles.
If I had any I would personally send them up his ass.
uh huh. sure you would. with that kinda attitude i have to ask if you've even taken a few minutes to think about the implications of this whole thing?
So let's make this clear: You don't want to send troops in (I can realte, human lives and stuff) but at the same time you don't like the fact that they could use missiles because they cost to much? Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the US on top of the worlds defense budget? Isn't your weapons industry one of the mayor exporteurs and isn't that one of the foundations of your economy? What do you do with the stuff if not use it? Put it in your foregarden and try to raise tulips around it?
oh great. so since we have them, lets use them. they're getting dusty.
I think you don't have your facts about Syria staight and just want to let off some steam, but we in Europe have to welcome the people who want asylum and we hear their stories. Believe me when I tell you that it should be the duty of every Country who can to help those people. And not only with food and shelter in the country itself like your strange Congressman said, he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.
then like i said, do your duty and do it. you're closer anyways. and you guys owe us for not occupying you after WW2.