oooo I use guiminer
o my, thats the worst one. Diablo and pheonix are much better.
Download CGminer 2.0.7 from the software section, Make a bat file or equivilent on your desktop and edit it and put something like this in it
cd c:\cgminer (WHERE YOU PUT CGMINER)
start /affinity 0x2 cgminer -o YOUR POOL ADDRESS:PORT NUMBER -u USERNAME.WORKER -p PASSWORD -v 2 -w 256 -g 4 -k phatk -I 9
/affinity is upto you, it just sets it to use whatever core you want on the CPU. After your first pool you can add more so if it fails it uses the next in one until your primary becaomes available again, Example:
start /affinity 0x2 cgminer -o YOUR POOL ADDRESS:PORT NUMBER -u USERNAME.WORKER -p PASSWORD -u USERNAME.WORKER -p PASSWORD -u USERNAME.WORKER -p PASSWORD -v 2 -w 256 -g 4 -k phatk -I 9
That would load 3 pools with 1st been primary and other too been fail safes
I think BFI_INT is auto enabled
CGminer also allows you do alot within the program itself, even overclocking and all sorts.
cgminer -h gives you all the commands possible, but there listed on there download page miner is for people who cant be bothered learn a few command lines. And you pay for that