I don't think bitcoin price can go down to $8,000. Times are very different now, and bicoin has grown strong enough and gained power. People have already seen bitcoin price jump repeatedly, which is unlikely to scare them again and therefore, there will always be a large part of holders who, under no circumstances, will panic like others.
For us to see the price of $8,000, something completely extraordinary must happen. For example, Craig Wright will finally find his lost keys to wallets with ~1,000,000
BTC and prove that he is the true
Faketoshi Satoshi. After that, it will massively sell them, collapsing bitcoin market to $8,000. But I think it's more likely that aliens will come to us with the aim of investing in bitcoin than this will happen.
Hypothetically, what would I do if bitcoin price dropped to $8,000, then ... I would sell my kidney and buy bitcoin.
This can only happen once in a lifetime and it's a sin to miss it.