1. The Zenpool pay out looks great at 0.00065924 BTC/MHs/day but how do they achieve such a high pay out while Waffle and Nicehash achieve only 0.00026 or 0.00038?
2. If I pay 16$ per MHs, do I own a miner with e.g. 1MHs or do I rent the hashing power for 1 year? Really not much transparency
it is rental. If you buy from them use a cc and don't just buy hashlets.
buy some "real" gear from them.
their s-3 price is okay. once you fully analyze the cost of an s-3 .
they want 499 for an s-3
use code welcometogaw for 10$ off
or use code gaw25 for 25$ off.
say the better code works you pay 474 use a cc get 60 day protection.
it will hash today.
free power for 30 days that is worth 25-30 bucks so 474- 25 = 449 usd
free use of psu that is worth 50 bucks so 449-50 = 399 real cost and it will mine today.
it earns 4740 points in a few days buy a couple of hashlets 2 for 32 usd you get 320 point plus the 4740 points = 5000 points cash that in for 10 bucks buy 1 more haslet for 16 -10 = 6
So out of pocket with a cc you spent 474 + 32 + 6 = 512 usd
you get an s-3 and you get 3mh of scrypt all cc protected against fraud.