And how is that easier than upsetting the difficulty repeatedly on purpose over a span of Months vs. a span of Days/Hours before having to come back and repeat the task again?.... This is effectively what is happening to Terracoin right now, and I bet if you ask most users, would you prefer the namecoin experience (where it was taking many months to have a difficulty drop, and block times that were numbering many hours) or the Terracoin experience (where, ya hashing could hop in and out repeating in a shorter time than before but at least difficulty fixes itself fairly rapidly when the disproportionate hash rate comes and goes)
What I'm trying to say is that upsetting difficulty is easy both ways, the "Terracoin" way though leaves the end user with a workable network, whereas the current bitcoin way leaves the end user with a horrible system to operate on for a long time.... I would think the latter is a lot more damaging to the adoption rate.
Terracoin is weak and desperate and needs to defend against the top dogs somehow, even if it has drawbacks. The best defense of bitcoin is being the ultimate top dog.