The US is with his hands full on Afghanistan and is still involved secondarily on Iraq. Have serious problems with North Korea, Iran and potential ones on Pakistan... They went to Libya with great reluctance. They are avoiding military intervention on Syria like the plague. They have an agreement that forces them to protect the integrity of Ukraine and they did nothing besides some words on sanctions (and that was good). If they wanted a war, they had good grounds to send troops to Ukraine immediately. Is any one really thinking that Obama wants a war with Russia?? Forget about a third world war at least for the next decade. No one is crazy to face the US. And the US has enough problems.
On Putin: he ruined the Russian Democracy to say the least.
P.S. I'm not american; I think the US should be ashamed for what they did on Iraq and Afghanistan.
The US did not go to Libya with reluctance, but with eagerness, the minute they learned that other countries are moving in for the oil. They also forgot to remove their ships from the Mediterranean Sea! Even moved in some more...
SANCTIONS ... PHghhhhh bullshit.
The UK now says it cannot do any sanctions against Russia, because that will mean economical collapse for them. I'm sure there are lots more countries with enormous Russian trade/investments presence in them. All that talk about sanctions is nothing but dust in the eyes of the STUPID people that watch and believe the news.
I'd say its just the opposite. No one is crazy enough to move on to Russia.
And it's actually very good that the all mighty americans are not moving in Ukraine, because doing that COULD really mean WWIII.
The US's problems are their own fault. They just can't sit at their own continent, can they? Dollar should have a barrel of oil on it. Don't forget China, please! USA is making everyone nervous moving military equipment at strategic places! Maybe they really want to start a war? The whole world is at edge with the americans .... maybe they think they will succeed where Hitler has failed. I hope for society and progress sake they are just showing off their new weapons.
I don't know who has and who hasn't got nuclear capability, but THE ONLY COUNTRY TO ACTUALLY HAVE USED THEM IS....