That link is actually a link to a blog post article trying to inform people about STOs and what you mentioned regulations around STOs, its not an advertisement. Exactly for the reason you just mentioned, that STOs and investing in general can be dangerous, it is important to get more information about STOs and regulation, which that article tries to give you.
On your point on what an STO is, I disagree, projects could call themselves an STO but in most cases that would not be true, there is a difference between claiming to be an STO and being an actually STO. Therefore having the information to discern what is all required to be an STO, regulations, company and financial registrations, country specific rules like accreditation is very helpful. A project cant just create a token and be an STO, they will have to follow actual rules like with an IPO or any equity offering. So it would be very helpful for someone who isn't aware of those rules to read an article like that to gain more information what they need to look out for to check whether or not a project claiming to be an STO is actually offering securities and following applicable rules and regulations.
I understand your frustration around all of this, due to the history of ICOs and blockchain projects, that is why information is important!
Couldn't agree with you more, you made some valuable points there about sto that anyone with less knowledge of it should find useful and research on, it is actually not enough for a project to just call themselves an sto project, they have to follow all required procedures to be consider as one, out of the many project presenting themselves as sto, only a handful (if at all there is any) are actually an sto project.