Sometimes most of the FUD is being generated in this very forum and though everyone is entitled to their opinions, I think that we should ban this kind of messages on this forum. And i have been a victim of FUD making me sell my bitcoins at an alarming rate which i am not proud of.
I don't think it's right for the forum's staff to ban people just based on fud or an opinion that the majority of the users here don't agree with. It would result in an unhealthy situation where people can't say what they want anymore.
Also, scammers don't get banned on this forum, so from there it wouldn't be fair to ban people based on their opinion, even when it can be seen as fud. People here just need to grow a thicker skin.
At the end of the day you are supposed to separate fud from that what's actually happening. In other words, it's your fault entirely that you fell for fud. It's a lesson. It happened once, and likely won't happen twice now.