I want ask mostly people are saying in Gambling we loss everything, but they are still playing gambling.
Then people saying that it is Game and fun so we are playing.
I want ask you, Is it Game so you are playing, otherwise what is Gambling?
Gambling is king of games that's really tempting to others. It is not a good place to make it a habit of its individuals to their lives. So for me it is only for game, it can never be an investment type neither a personal business for the players.
And think again.
Gambling as a game: It offers entertainment, thrills and a good pass time. It involves betting where everyone who put their stake get a chance to win the pot money.
Gambling as an investment. Casino is an investment, anyone that wanted to put up a Casino needs to invest a lot of money to operate it. And we all know that casino holds several gambling games. Aside from that a casino offer an investment program for those who are looking for investment and have profit from the house winnings.
Gambling as Business. They said, the best way to profit in gambling is to setup a business that take advantage of this gambling games. So smart people with sufficient funds put up a gambling casino to house and operates different gambling games, then then apply for business permit / permit to operate from the authority to avoid several legal issues.