What exactly - regarding segwit - was a drama?
I remember the segwit2x drama, where the date for the hardfork was set and then got cancelled. I think a few weeks later there still was a hard fork? I'm not sure about that.
Wasn't bcash also created because of this?
But segwit itself (soft fork) happend pretty smooth i thought? Correct me if im wrong.
Oh there was much drama. Maybe you were lucky enough to have missed most of it, but the whole blocksize debate and the Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash rivalry dominated most of 2017.
Just a short recap:
1) r/btc vs r/bitcoin respectively big blockers vs small blockers
2) Bitcoin XT followed by Bitcoin Classic followed by Bitcoin Unlimited ultimately leading to Bitcoin ABC / Bitcoin Cash
3) Accusations against Jihan Wu of Bitmain to blockade SegWit due to alleged usage of covert ASIC boost in their miners
4) Bitcoin Cash deployment drama (shifting dates around, opt-in 2-way replay protection vs full 2-way replay protection, last minute protocol changes leaving wallet developers scrambling)
5) NYA drama that lead to SegWit2x drama (basically r/btc vs r/bitcoin on a corporate level)
6) SegWit2x not implementing 2-way replay protection, false flag nodes, B2X futures trading...
7) "SegWit transactions are not safe because they use anyone-can-spend transactions!!!111one"
8) Hashrate oscillations between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash due to Bitcoin Cash's EDA (emergency difficulty adjustment)
9) Alleged spam attacks against Bitcoin leading to increased transaction fees
10) "Lightning Network leads to banking hubs!!111one"
11) Coinbase stating that they won't support Bitcoin Cash and that customers wanting their hard fork coins should withdraw their coins in advance, followed by legal threats by customers that left their coins on Coinbase after all, followed by Coinbase allowing their customers to withdraw their Bitcoin Cash in January
12) Coinbase receiving flak for their delayed SegWit integration
13) I'm sure there was more but I just realized I should get outside more
Now you might say that this was all just stuff happening in the background and has nothing to do with the SegWit soft fork itself. But no! There was this whole UASF vs UAHF thing, Bitcoin Cash moving their hard fork date up as mentioned above, miner signalling being indecisive for most of 2017... it was quite an interesting year.