One of the problems I have seen is of wrong payment, if you pay wrong guy, you should have right to reverse it in next 30 seconds..or so.
What you're looking for is called PayPal. The best solution to that problem is don't fuck up.
BTC does not have the same consumer protections that PP or other payment methods have.
I think it is easier said then done to "not fuck up" as there have been many instances when someone has paid he incorrect address (or less commonly the incorrect amount) for something. There have been many instances when someone sent BTC to someone they have traded with in the past only to mean to send BTC to someone different. Many of these cases have been resolved with the BTC being returned, but this does not happen all the time.
You can't reverse transactions so it's necessary to pay attention to what you're doing. The same it true with cash transactions. I have been given back $20 bills by cashiers when I should have received a $10 or a $5. The cashier was lazy or rushed, wasn't paying attention and put a $20 in the wrong slot in the drawer. I don't feel sorry for people that lose money that way. If their Bitcoins or cash are not important to them then they deserve to lose them.
If a cashier notices right away that they gave you $20 instead of $5, then they can ask you for it back right away when it is still obvious that you received too much. If they ask for the money back before you put the money in your pocket, then I think most people will give it back in exchange for the correct amount of change.
The difference with bitcoin is that a person can try to send a message to someone they sent BTC to when they should not have, but the person would not likely receive it right away, and the TX would likely be confirmed (similar to cash being in your pocket) by the time the message would be received. Another issue is that many addresses look very similar to each-other, so it would be possible to do a "spot check" on the address to make sure the address they are sending to looks similar to the address then intend to send to.
I guess if all you have time for is a "spot check" then you should get used to losing money. I know it's possible to do it but I never have because my money means a lot to me so I free up the extra few seconds to do it right.
One of my BTC addresses is 1GyaReuEUNSopCZYBbsWN5mhoAtUZJVfhj, not 1itsAJblahblahecdcw34gtveRV6h5. Your BTC address is not 1QuestionAuthorityLKM244. I don't think it is very reasonable to expect for someone to check every single digit in a BTC address prior to sending a TX as if they were to try this they would likely end up with too many false positives and would never get the TX sent.
All I ever do is cut and paste the address from the source. Here is a list of real addresses. Are they different or the same?
Two of them are the same. How long did it take you to find them?
This really isn't that difficult.
Are these two addresses the same? How long did it take you to check?
I would agree that it is a best practice to copy and past an address from the source (I really don't see any other way of doing it). My argument is that someone would have an address already stored in their clipboard for some reason, then sometime later would want to buy something from overstock, go to checkout and get an address to send BTC to, they would press control-c (or in my case apple-c) to copy the address, but for whatever reason it doesn't copy to their clipboard (maybe due to a glitch, or they didn't hold it down loan enough, or some other reason), they then switch tabs to their wallet, paste what is in their clipboard (and check to make sure the address looks correct) then send the proper amount. Since the person *just* (thought) he copied the address he would likely give it somewhat of a lower standard of care. Additionally since the two addresses are not right next to each-other it is more difficult to compare them against each-other.
Yes, your two addresses are different. At first glance they are the same address, but after thinking for a minute, I knew that you were trying to prove a point so upon close examination of the two addresses while they are right next to each-other I see they are in fact different (I don't think a TX that attempted to send BTC to the 2nd address would actually be accepted by the network, but that is besides the point; and congrats on getting blockchain spam to an address of yours). As mentioned above many uses of bitcoin involve users not being able to look at the address they should be sending to and the address they are actually sending to on a side-by-side basis, but instead would need to look back and forth between screens on their computer. This is especially true with more and more people only having a phone, tablet or other mobile device and really not being able to look at the two addresses next to eachother.