I am not sure if there is a official plan towards the existence of quantum computing.
Last time I checked this argument, people seemed to agree (sort of) that a hard fork would be necessary to fully harden Bitcoin against those threats.
As long term investor I am also worried about the defense of the protocol, the technology is advancing very fast, however, I have been told around here not to worry about it, since the developers won't let the project to be killed by qubits.
So you have been told developers won't let it die? Questions arise, who supports QC development and who supports an open source decentralized application?
Who has more money and power?
Have you seen any scientifically provable quantum resistant algorithms that could be used with bitcoin?
I'm sure governments already have their own quantum solutions, but does a multi-billion dollar open source market have it's own or we need to believe whatever is written on an internet forum?