Profitable proof-of-work mining will always lead to centralization.
Happy Valentines Day. My gf said put hearts so here you go: ❤ ❥ ❤ ❥ ❤ ❥ ❤ ❥ ❤ ❥
I could counter that a continual release of bots could create a self-replicating virus used to secure a coin's decentralization--think of it as Delueze's idea of capitalism as parasite taken to its logical conclusion.
Remember, when little shit countries defeat juggernaut empires, it's because they play by their rules
If there is profit in PoW mining, then the one who is best at bots will make the most profit. It is still centralization.
Sorry you can't win this argument. I thought it about it deeply. It is an inviolable and unarguable point.
The bots will be free-ranging and adaptable, or are you forgetting what you taught me about the information age?