Well, I hope this doesn't sound like a joke to you guys or some sort of cracked-up thread, but yeah, I mean to hear the opinion of others.
Some people, during their youthful years, live a very lavish lifestyle with the money that they are supposed to put to good use, knowing that one day they will grow old. Some people only think that it's when they are growing old, like at the age of 30 and above, that's when they must start to invest or save to invest.
Some people think that they can live a lavish lifestyle as long as they are still 20 years old, and maybe when they get to 25 years old, that's when they can start to invest for their future.
I quite think that there is a particular age at which one is supposed to have been living a comfortable lifestyle financially. That doesn't mean that someone who doesn't meet that age lives a lavish lifestyle. There's a parable that says, "All fingers are not equal." So, we understand that not everyone is able to meet up at the same time.
Although some people can experience financial breakthrough at different ages in life, some do so at 25, 30, 35, 40, and 50, respectively.
But in my opinion, I think that one is not still supposed to be in financial crisis at age 30–35. I mean, at age 30, one should be in a financial state where they can fend for themselves and their family if the person is married. The person is supposed to have had at least one or two financial sources that they can always see as reliable sources of income.
It's always wise and profitable to start saving and investing at a young age, like 18 years old.
Financial stability differ on each person, some could be matured on their early age due to their circumstances, while other could enjoy their life because they have the privileges due to their family status.
And for my opinion if we would need a specific age to start on being serious on our life it would be at our mid twenties, in our teenage years we could enjoy our life and study but on our early twenties that is the time where most of us would face some life changing circumstances like others are already having family or kids.
So in our mid twenties that is where we should make plan and see ourselves on the long term, build what we need to build not just for our own but also for our family.