I also want to point out that Coinbase is backed by tens of millions in investment dollars. I'm sure their investors wouldn't like it if they started arbitrarily screwing over their members. The investment is a long-term play, not a short one. And they're one of the few that are fully licensed for LEGAL transacting.
As far as us it's pretty safe to say they are the number one exchange at the current time. And you are right they are backed by big money. You could argue they have done the most to be legal as far as US exchanges. Yes it changes on what country you are in which works best for you.
But I suggest everyone read their insurance. It is pretty impressive on the amount it covers. Make sure to use 2FA. But if you have to keep a hot wallet it is not bad.
Not sure if it's the same now as I haven't had an issue, but wondering if they still have the massive delay on some transactions. I sent one in 2013 that took almost 48 hours to finally hit the network.
Anymore I do a lot more mining then buying. But I did not have problems with them that I remember.
Only thing I remember being a pain was gaining levels there. For activity and money the more the higher the level. At one point you can get instant for a certain amount. Others you wait days which is no fun but understandable.