As I said, the 10 minute interval has nothing to do with the decentralization or better, it's not directly related. You should think it in another way; if the network generated a new block every 5 minutes instead of 10, how many blocks should you wait? Wouldn't that be 12? Probably yes, but there is another thing to count too.
That is actually the equivalent security only (given similar conditions except blocktime). The math, as with the whitepaper involves the calculation in terms of the number of confirmations, not time. The probability of an attacker catching up from X blocks behind decreases exponentially with an increased X, given a hashrate of <51%. Probability People often approximate it for 1 hour, just because 6 conf = ~1hr.
The orphaned blocks. The shorter is the generation time, the more will be the orphaned blocks. By that, I conclude that 6 10-minute interval blocks provide better security than 12 5-minute interval blocks.
Orphan blocks are child blocks received by a client that has not yet received the parent block. You are most likely referring to stale blocks instead.
It depends. As said, it is a tradeoff between getting stales and a faster block interval. I don't think faster blocks are necessary, but if you need on-chain capacity right now then a bigger block would be the most direct solution.
Stale block occurs if miners aren't mining on the same chain as a result of them seeing different blocks at the same height due to a delay in propagation, etc. To prevent this, the miners just have to well connected, not a problem, we already know miners were having internal network of sorts and in certain cases SPV mining on one another. Ensuring good connectivity is to their best interest. Validation of blocks takes less than a second for miners and propagation throughout at least 50% of the network takes less than 10 seconds, I know a few research papers referenced the propagation time[1], not sure about the accuracy but I'm compelled to think that it is rather fast. So long as you can propagate the blocks efficiently and ensure that the miners are able to receive information in a timely manner, that shouldn't result in a far greater increase in the stale rates. As long as the majority of your miners are well connected to each other, then the stale rates wouldn't become that big of a factor.
Propagation of blocks or information in the network has improved tremendously throughout the years. Compact block helps with decreasing the delay with the propagation, FIBRE used to do so as well.
It depends on mining algorithm, because sha256d is quite fast, Scrypt is a bit slower, but take yescrypt and see how long it would take, even if two nodes are connected on localhost.
I can't find any benchmarks on that. I'm assuming that since hashing the (relatively) few block headers is about the least resource intensive task, a small increase in the time shouldn't affect it too much. Signature and script validation are far more time consuming. Unless you're telling me the CPU hashes at the rate of 1 per second?
[1] says 6.5s for median, but it was quite a few years ago.
If the actual stats is 6.5s, then 6.5/600 is the stale rate would be 1.08%, if 300, then 2.15%, assuming the majority of the miners also sees the block at ~6.5s. It is twice the probability but the pros would still outweigh the cons. Bitcoin's landscape and some of the functions has changed throughout the years, not all assumptions still hold true. Note that the percentage also assumes that the economic majority receives the block around 6.5s. The actual time could be even lower <50% of the sample size.