they better not think touching anyone wearing the American flag... I understand that Obama may not even do anything in such a suicidal event... At least with the trump admin it would be clear as water.
Like I said everything looks fishy about what happened these days.
The CIA and Pentagon FAIL is so big, that no one believe.
CIA put Turkey on the same level as Egypt or Lybia.
Now, Russian media is saying that
They have no Idea about Turkey, and no one from them talk turkish language.
The ugly ZOG Media.
Please don't involve the pentagon... However it would be even if I don't believe the typical level of systemic incompetency expressed by the educated fools of the cia and the even more incompetent workers of the state dept...
Now about your comment on ZOG media... They have to lay ground for either their chosenites project of isreal taking over the world or more certainly their lack of faith in the US Constitution and Bills of rights... They whoreship Isreal and the United Nations...
The US Constitution and bills of rights only... kerry seems really incompetent... I will not insult Lavrov or the flower of the East in comparing them to such a mediocre individual... Keep biking dude... It's enough for you. Deeply I think it's because Obama isn't the type of guy to like to be with people smarter and more competent than him... Again Trump has no problem with that... Victory above all else... Being in a team as the weakest link means that one the team is great, secondly that making it is in itself a proof of competency and ultimately a great opportunity to improve and learn!
And to comeback to the ZOG media... How is Brianna going? Seems that the hasbara has issued directives... They are useful to watch to understand what they try to achieve... Understanding the ennemedia, to the point of being able to anticipate them render them weaker as a lamb.