In my case, I'm afraid of playing too much and losing control and becoming addicted to gambling, that's why I have constantly reminded myself of how to maintain my self-control during my sports betting, I always take great care in respecting my own rules regarding gambling, I always manage my bankroll very carefully and I don't play casino games that depend on luck, this is because they are games in which the person can easily spend many hours playing and consequently the person can become addicted to gambling. I also always keep the thought of winning a lot of money at the casino at a distance, so that I don't become greedy and start making uncontrolled bets with amounts of money that I can't afford to lose.
That's why I always fear that what if the team on which I placed my but losses the game? I often close my eyes after placing the bet and after sometimes I totally shift my attention from that game to something else. When the game is over, I come back to see if it was a winning bet or a losing one.
I had this way of thinking years ago when I started making sports bets, at that time I made a bet and then I couldn't stop thinking about that bet and I didn't want to see that bet until the game was over, I was very anxious and scared the result of my bet being lost and I losing money and when many hours passed later and I realized that the game had already ended, then I became more afraid of entering the casino and checking the result, that's why it took me a long time to enter the casino. casino after I placed my bet. When I entered the casino, my heart felt like it was going to leave my body and I looked at the result of my bet and realized that I lost and that made me less willing to bet again.
After a few weeks of me placing bets and having that feeling, I made a profit that allowed me to recover all my losses and made me think a lot about whether that feeling was really good or not, I asked myself if I was really having fun with sports betting or if That feeling was destroying me, then I realized that that feeling wasn't good, so I stopped betting and all games for a few years and when I started betting again I no longer had that feeling. I started looking at bets without expressing feelings