Two kinds of people usually come back.
1. winners, they want to make more money, simple logic.
2. losers, they want to win the losses back, sometimes they are lucky enough to make them back, but most cases are losing all money and broke.
This usually sums it up what basically happens when people come back but there are a lot more than just that. But mostly all come back because they still want to have a chance to win at it and know that there is a chance. I know and learned that if you play so much that you kept winning, better stop because in the long run, you are going to lose.
And this chance that we are hoping that we could win if we are going to keep on trying is the reason why we are losing too much, but we didn't notice it since we are focusing on our goal that we will win this time, but the truth is we are not, instead, we are losing more than we ever thought. But we are convincing ourselves that "
it is okay, we are going to win this thing in the next try, and the next try, next try, until there is no more remaining bitcoin in our wallet.
Does anybody realized that it is not worth it, that instead of keep on trying on this gambling, and we should try another way to multiply our money and not lose it in gambling? NO, most of us didn't even thinking like that, because of greediness and they just want to earn money without making a sweat.