And I don't see why a majority-rule democracy wouldn't just tax the **** out of the top 10%? Or 49%, for that matter? I've never thought that a true democracy was a good idea...
In the West, democracy is whatever side you want to win... Democracy of what the elites like is a true democracy, democracy what they don't like is dictatorship. Read the nauseous paens to democracy in rags like Newsweek in that light and it is clear.
This made no sense to me whatsoever.
Sorry, I was assuming a large knowledge of local and foreign political developments that not everyone might be up to speed on. For a specific examples, see media complaints about the democracies of Russia, Venezuala, and Turkey
for the who they think the "correct" democracy should be like and which are "politically incorrect."You're still confusing me with sentences like this. I don't know what you're trying to say, beyond look at complaints of democracies in Russia. You need to proof-read a little more, or something.
Also, I fail to see how looking at complaints of democracies in other countries would answer my question of, "why wouldn't the majority tax the bejeezers out of the minority in a true democracy?"
You are conditioned by their use of the term Democracy in the news, in speeches, print, radio and video. Democracy is simply Mob Rules. The majority forcing their will on the minority. The majority stealing from the minority. Not once is the term "democracy" anywhere in our founding documents or ever spoken or written about by them, but you sure see it in Russian documents and in the writings and speeches of well known Marxist Communists. We have a constitutional Republic. Not a democracy, but how often do you hear the term constitutional republic in the news or from our leaders?
You are being conditioned to accept their Democracy so you will not revolt.
Without our birth rights, the most important of which are codified and ratified in the constitution, we are slaves.
All we need to do is stand up and exert our rights to live truly free. Take them. Whats the worse that can happen? They will cage or kill us so we can be Martyrs for our loved ones, to set that example that will be burned in their minds and hearts so that they may remember and carry the torch?
The problems are the conditioning, ignorance, fear, apathy and disinterest in our own enslavement.
I don't know who you are talking to, but I myself am well aware of what a true democracy is, and just as much aware that the US is a republic, not a democracy like everyone likes to call it.
Also, I'm not sure whether you condone the republic or rebuke it? Are you a fan of true democracy? It sounds like you don't like our current government setup, but you also seem to use aggressive wording against democracy.