So you are assuming the block limit will be increased? I don't think that is a good assumption to make, just because that requires hard fork and at least right now not doing any hard forks is kind of the culture of bitcoin. I think mostly just because doing one hard fork opens up the idea of changing things more drastically and opens up the idea that Bitcoin isn't immutable.
actually the latest motivations is to change things without a strong consensus consent. changing things without nodes being ready for said changes.. which is more riskier and bad network security
the reason they do it is because doing it the proper hard way, means core would not get to throw random crap in easily. so they wanted a back door
and look what happens. the tx count is decreasing and the bloat of stupid memes abuse of space is increasing.. risking the utility of bitcoin remaining a payment network with this stupid backdoor policy
I mean it would be good in the future once internet speeds are much greater and when having like a 100 TB hard drive is cheap if Bitcoin would be able to handle more transactions...BUT handling more transactions on-chain isn't a real solution.
Because even if you say 50x the block limit, that still wouldn't be anywhere enough to handle mass global transactions.
your argument is keep things low for 120 years. or leap to 50x this year to be one world currency?? (facepalm)
actual reality is neither
its progressive scaling over time. not 'huge leaps today or never' approach you assume
Mining will likely eventually shift almost entirely to business who operate directly at power stations and get very cheap energy while getting rid of mass energy waste in the system and greatly enhance the energy infrastructure of the world all while keeping mining costs very low,
actually its more about when new power generators come online they are not built just for todays demands they are built for demands of the next 50 years
meaning demand:capacity in the initial years is 1:4 meaning current demand is paying 4x to cover yearly cost of re-reimbursing the build cost
however mining will move into a region and buy up allotments of the excess 3 ratio thus bring down the average cost per kwh due to more income for the power station. and over the decades as more native residential/industry demands want to use more of the capacity. miners would move their asic shipping containers to the next region offering spare excess capacity on their new build power generation
and people/companies/governments taking advantage of stranded energy to also mine very cheaply. Thus even if the mining income goes down greatly the cost should also go down and even if hash power likely hits a peak at some point and then falls we have to realize Bitcoin mining is ALREADY globally secure and nothing could ever attack it as long as mining stays decentralized globally. So if hash power increases for a few more decades and then starts to drop to a long term equilibrium that is fine because Bitcoin's security will still be far in excess of what it is today, miner's will make their income, L2 will handle millions of transactions, on-chain transactions should still be cheap enough for moving money around or making large transactions, and Bitcoin will remains immutable and therefore secured for permanent viability as hard global money.
L2 does have a place. but the current prototypes and concepts being played around with have flaws and only fit small niches
ther will be development once the snake oil salesmen of current concepts realise they are chasing their own tail on flawed design. and development then start moving away from those concepts and come up with better ones.
but while that happens bitcoin needs to scale too.
if you think bitcoin should remain at a 2000 tx per block for 120 years. you are not thinking hard enough
and no... jumping to 50x in the next year is not the option either
de-cludging the currently allowed 4mb to actually allow a 4x scaling compared to the 1mb limit would bring tx count from an average of back-then 1600tx to a plausible 6400tx a block
then say for this posts demonstration sake, every 4 years is a 4x factor(reasonable scaling)
(not your silly 50x)
after all 20 years ago (5 scale periods)
we went from
harddrives of 4gb to hard drives of 4tb (1000x)
56kb internet to 56mb internet (1000x)
so basic math
2023 2024 2028 2032
4mb(6400tx) 16mb(25,600tx) 64mb(102,400tx) 256mb(409,600tx)
2036 2040
1gb(1638400) 4gb(6553600)
and as you can see thats the 1000x over 20 years we have seen tech scaling previously. thus able in future
remember we already have 1gb PER SECOND internet available now. thus will be the norm in 20 years
meaning a 4gb per 10 minutes (600 seconds) wont be a issue by then
4gb per 600 seconds is (6.72mbyte/sec =53.76mbit/sec - again achievable in 20 years, becasue its achievable now)
also if we factor in an assumption of whole population wanting to lock up value each month(like debit/credit cards) meaning 2 payments a month(lock and unlock to rebalance)
6553600 * 4032 /2 = allows 13,212,057,600 (locks+unlock combined) a month
by which would be the population base of that period
however sticking to 2000tx a block (for those 20 years) means only 4,032,000 rebalances of L2 a month.
meaning if there are 200m users(low ball number). they can only rebalance/move onchain. once every 50 months.. 2bill population =500month rebalance
no one can plan that far ahead their daily spending.
and thus if you want to promote that people should lock up value in a alternative system to bitcoin for 50 months. then you are trying to suggest that bitcoin should not be a payment system or a currency.
people would just end up using a different mainnet and not even bother with bitcoin in the situation you prescribe
and that is why bitcoin should scale onchain aswell we create NEW l2 that actually work and do as promised. instead of the current paradigm we are stuck in with silly people just saying "be patient"