Haha.. Money bro obviously.
A trader analyzes the market, invests money, and expects good returns in the end after putting in all efforts, managing risk, and controlling stress levels. So in my view, money is the motivation. Just don't fall into greed everything is great here. if you want to know the power of this motivation just show some screenshots of profits on your social media profile and those who don't even know the ABC of the crypto market are gonna PM you and ask about how to trade, can you guide me and if you are having good followers you can even create a new TG group for sharing your signals and in rewards you can change them as membership cost and 70% of them are gonna really pay.
However, there could be inevitable losses most particularly for newbies but through experience trading in the market, once skills and strategies are well developed, it could guarantee somehow that traders will now come to maximize its profits and lessen its losses with trading.