We have some AI detector apps and links just like the frequently used ones like, scribbr, copyleaks, and quillbot. Sometimes, after making some personal posts that you generated on your own and you insert those write up in this AI detector links you will find out that it will indicate some percentages that they are AI generated like between 35% to 15% so does it mean that the percentage is convincible enough to render your entire posts AI generated?
It shouldn't be a thing of serious concern that an AI detector tool indicates about 15%, 25%, to 40% of your writing to be of AI generated, we are humans with a very high intellect and you don't expect that such human intelligence shouldn't be displaced in the content of our works. In as much as you did the writing by yourself without AI contribution you have got no need to be afraid of your work been put to AI test due to the high quality of the writing.
Humans created those detectors so it's most assured they will always detect a certain percentage of AI generation in human writing, it is when the percentage is above 60% upwards that it then become suspectable buy even as that it doesn't mean there are no humans who have good writing skills that can't be detected to a 70% mark as AI generated even when it was. But in such case it's the writing history of such member that we can use to compare if there's a difference in the quality for such highly intelligent people.