I have a fair knowledge about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. I can hold down a good conversation in it however when it comes to trading, I have come to the point where I need to up my game. After using a mock trading app for some time, I stopped and tried the live environment. I lost money. Since then I have done some trading again.
I notice that when you learn to trade and you decide to start with a demo account, you might be winning, but if you decide to switch to your main account immediately, you will start losing. I don't really know the cause, but I have seen multiple people who have experienced similar things. You losing in trading does not mean you should give up completely, just try and work on your strategy. When you get a perfect strategy, your profit will be more than your loss.
I feel I need to get back in the game. Right now I am coming in with a different strategy which is a mentor. Yes, I need a mentor in this renewed trading journey who would teach me the practical aspect of it. Because any of us can easily quote the theoretical knowledge of trading.
Getting a professional trader to guide you is a good idea, but when getting a mentor, make sure you're careful so that you won't end up choosing the wrong person. There are so many people claiming to be professional traders, but most of them know nothing about trading, they're pretending to be professionals.
What is the best reward for mentorship? How do you think I should reward the mentor when I have one? And how often should this be?
The question is left for you to answer, no one can assist you in answering the question you are asking, it's for you and your mentor to come to an agreement. Some people might just decide to teach you for free, why will some people ask for payment before they will be able to guide you? So if your mentor requests for money, then the two of you can bargain and come to an agreement, and if he wants to teach you for free, then you can think about what you can reward him with, which will be money, you should know the amount you can give him.
Don't depend on your mentor alone, always try to do more research on your own. The forum is open, and you can ask any question you need.