I thought that there was an instantaneous decrease in ethereum with bitcoin.and after these events I thought of as a momentary decrease, I got 50 ethereum from 260 dollars. I can not decide what to do with certain levels. Of course, it is not right to make sales like this.my mind came up with the idea of joining an ico or a going ico . I thought maybe I could save the damage in this way, but I'm not quite sure. what should i do? Should not I?I've been loss since the day. I do not want to loss any more, but I can not find a solution. I am delighted to share your ideas in this regard.
Hold and wait,
if you think you can't handle the downsings just don't invest as much as you are doing now.
50x260 is exactly 13,000$ worth in Ethereum. Whenever it hits 300 again sell them and wait another downsing, earn by the arbitration of the coin on the exchangers. I'm glad to see this kind of posts I'm learning trading skills and knownledge is power.
This is such a good point that so many people miss. You need to be able to handle the emotions that come with your investments so that you make rational decisions. The most profitable trades usually don't
feel right at the time. And the best way to keep your emotions in check is not to risk too much. If your investments are causing you to worry, lose sleep, etc., then you're risking too much. Although it won't be as profitable, it's very freeing to trade smaller amounts that you aren't so afraid to lose. It's easier to make better decisions. And if you do that over time and become more confident in your abilities to make the right calls, you will be able to trade with larger amounts in a rational manner. And that's when you'll start to earn serious money.