Here's a line from Coincheck's minute-by-minute volume (as reported by BitcoinCharts):
2019-04-02 04:28:00 465026 465598 465016 465419 7.68 3574735.98 465396.36
This is a small move in terms of price, but a fairly large trade for this particular exchange - about 7x the usual minute-by-minute volume.
This is followed a couple minutes later by high volume on Kraken (USD):
2019-04-02 04:31:00 4184.3 4194.7 4184.3 4194 125.68 526358.37 4188.23
2019-04-02 04:31:00 4187.45 4200 4187.45 4200 138.17 579084.04 4190.95
And then the other exchanges. Most small exchanges see big volume bumps at 04:32:00, but feedback into Coincheck seems to happen comparatively fast; it begins at 04:31:00 too.
Could arbitrage from this big Coincheck trade have been the event that kicked off today's green candle? Or am I reading too much into this, and the trade at 4:28 was just a coincidence?