"Sometimes winning isnt good at all". This is the phrase i always got in my mind whenever i saw someone or read something that pertains to gambling addiction. I see that people are so greedy and do anything to win. My observation is that, people experience winning ofcourse in gambling so they take many chances and risk bets to win again. Either the win rate is just 2 to 3 times per 15 bets, they are still getting hooked on it. Winning even once triggers addiction because people are greedy in nature. There are just people who can control themselves and there are not.
Psychology tells us that there are two kinds of addiction. One is called substance/chemical addiction which is addiction to nicotine, alcohol, drugs, sugar-dense foods and beverages etc. Another is process addiction, which is also called behavioral addiction, which is a form of addiction that involves a compulsion to engage in a rewarding behavior like gambling, watching porn, playing video games, shopping etc. Chemical addiction is hard to overcome because when you stop taking a substance which alters your metabolism in a pleasurable way, you start feeling severe symptoms of withdrawal, literally physically. Behavioral addiction is a psychological one, which can be discontinued without any withdrawal symptoms, and since gambling is classified as such, I don't buy the notion that there are people who "just can't control themselves" regarding gambling. Yes, psychological addiction can be hard to overcome too, but it's pretty much possible, and there are no excuses for those who are not even trying.