Yes, it does have an influence on the price.... because people follow the celebrities comments like sheep!
How many people will buy the same clothing, even if it is very over priced.. when they see their favorite celebrity or Sport star wearing that clothing?
The same thing happens when they say something on Social media and the impact depends on how many followers they have. Elon Musk was a pioneer in the "Payment system" scene ..back in the day before PayPal, so he should know what he is talking about. (Anyone else without the previous experience of payment systems, should not have such a big influence... but unfortunately they do)
![Roll Eyes](
I feel his powerful influence is also based on the recent stock performance of Tesla that had ranked him to become the world richest. So, I can say he weild more power, possibly more than the Wales can do.
Yes, it does have an influence on the price.... because people follow the celebrities comments like sheep!
To me, such behavior is personally very strange because I don’t care what EM thinks about anything, regardless of being at least publicly the richest person in the world. Those people who follow him aren’t just sheep, they’re very naive sheep who don’t realize that EM is actually making fun of them all the time. If anyone thinks this is not the case let them visit his Twitter profile, and they will see how EM communicates with his followers. Some are obviously amused by this, but EM is just another multi-billionaire who wants to become immortal by doing something that no one else has done before. Who knows, maybe he'll be one of the first to go to Mars
Yes, Elon Musk could be using his social media handle or Twitter handle to make jokes. Because, I know him to be a first Principle Thinker, which made him to be able to build SpaceX rockets.
Deductively, Elon is smarter than the content of most of his tweets
Simply Elon knows the future of BTC and his people tends to believe on what he was saying because he already prove a lot by building his Tesla and SpaceX company which is very futuristic. He is also the current richest person in the world so his words is very powerful even though sometimes he is just trolling.
There is an insight to be drawn from your comment. You mean the root cause of his power is because he is an authority, who has succeeded in may fronts.
That could be one of the reason, people respect authority.
I think Elon Musk is a perfect example of what all of us are capable of achieving if we only managed our time better.
As a kid he watched tutorials on the internet and made a video game. Sold it. Watched more tutorials. Made an internet travel website. Sold it. Started another business. Eventually he was involved with paypal. Sold his stake in paypal. Used the capital to fund tesla and space x.
Remember $500 flamethrowers Elon Musk sold to raise money. He got that idea from spaceballs the movie. The scene where Yogurt is discussing merchandising at the end. (Where Elon Musk got the idea for his flamethrowers
The internet offers many opportunities and learning experiences.
Elon Musk is the 1 guy in 5 billion who actually uses them.
While most of us trend towards taking them for granted.
Overtime Elon Musk is one of the few people that reason using the First Principle Approach.
When he want to start space exploration, he discovered that the cost of rocket was huge.
He left Moscow and decided to build his rocket to be very affordable and at a price with a reduction by factor 10. He was able to achieve that because he ask some basic about rocket manufacturing, then he made an innovation from the answer.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]