Let's explain Bitcoin to Mr. Arvind Kejriwal. He might help us out.
If you can get across to him, I do believe that might really understand. I was reading that he is working on a lot of decentralization projects and this might fit into some of his plans.
Now, he's honorable Chief Minter and has electricity and water to be worried about. I'm not sure..But, I'll try to explain the storm in making whenever, I plan Delhi next time. Bhagwan ki mummy ki kasam!
Let me see if i can get hold of him. will see if i can meet them this week or early next month.
Best wishes! Make sure, you stay perfectly neutral during explanation rather then pushing him into.. Bitcoin is revolution, Bitcoin is going to change the future, Bitcoin is future of payment etc etc
Initial thoughts acts as seed of thoughts for further analysis. I'd suggest be to very careful while injecting him into Bitcoin philosophy. Please!
Sure i will keep that mind, and will explain the idea behind Crypto-currency.