Fees will necessarily adjust to what market would dictate. Your math may be correct, but it is just math and may not correlate well with reality. If 1 Bitcoin is worth $74,000, that would basically mean Bitcoin worldwide adoption. How many transactions per unit of time will the Bitcoin network process then? I guess many millions or even hundreds of millions daily compared to pathetic 250k transactions on average today. Further, what will the block size be then? Obviously, it should get increased multifold in order to fully accommodate this growth in the number of transactions. Thereby, there is hardly any reason to think that the fees will remain the same...
They should get down proportionately with the block size increase (i.e. the number of transactions that the block can accommodate)
i think in the near future when the price will increase gradully then the fees with surly be lowered because no one will pay $10 or $15 to transact $1 or even $1000 thats like paying like old days and thats what banks do
I subscribe to every word of this
True. The numbers do only take into account the rise in $ value and not the possible increase in traffic.
It does only take into factor the rise of Bitcoin's value in dollar since I really have no idea how Tx fees are even calculated/based on. Not the specifics anyway. (I just sort it as miners and traffic)
Very well, then, let us all wait for experts to explain the technical details.
Anyhow, there really is no way to calculate accurately. Too many unknowns. (price,adoption,traffic,etc)
But I do agree with this.
maybe even more.. but it's impossible to predict...
presuming that the bitcoin price increases, the fee could even go lower.(Less bitcoin, but the same amount if converted to fiat).
Give or take a few.
Transaction fees are voluntary on the part of the person making the bitcoin transaction, as the person attempting to make a transaction can include any fee or none at all in the transaction.
A transaction was safe to send without fees if these conditions were met:
- It is smaller than 1,000 bytes.
- All outputs are 0.01 BTC or larger.
- Its priority is large enough
The transaction fee is processed by and received by the bitcoin miner. When a new bitcoin block is generated with a successful hash, the information for all of the transactions is included with the block and all transaction fees are collected by that user creating the block.
The transaction fee is therefore an incentive on the part of the bitcoin user to make sure that a particular transaction will get included into the next block which is generated.
How much fees we pay for a transaction?
Sometimes, it is not possible to give good estimates, or an estimate at all. Therefore, a fallback value can be set (default: `0.0002` BTC/kB).
Furthermore, Bitcoin Core will never create transactions smaller than the current minimum relay fee. Finally, a user can set the minimum fee rate for all transactions, which defaults to 1000 satoshis per kB.