I am a strong crypto believer. Bitcoin believer first of all. I am trying to invest as I can afford, trying to earn bitcoins, etc, so I can make myself a nice crypto fund for my retirement!
After much thinking, I came to decide that I would be happy with 21 BTCs and 500 ETH for this future fund of mine. Why Ethereum you might ask? I am a strong Bitcoin believer but just in case, I think that one should hold some ethers as well. After all, this is a number 2 crypto and I was always thought that I should never keep all my eggs in one basket.
So I am curious to know other opinions. Are these 21 BTCs and 500 eths too much, too little, just right or whatever someone might think. After seeing answers, I might even re-evaluate my stash goals as I am still nowhere close to the numbers above, But I am working hard and trying to get there.
Mods if you feel that the topic doesn't belong here, feel free to move it to the right thread.
Thanks guys and all the best!