I agree, I do not believe in bots for sale on social networks or telegram groups, they still work, but it is not as effective as we expect. But for some people who are programmers and they create their own bot to use, I believe it works great. I've seen a few people do that, and of course, they never sell it or share it with anyone. In that case, I would do the same, when something gets too popular it won't work either. Like good traders, they never brag, but trader impersonators love to sell signals and open trading teaching groups.
Profits is used for marketing but in reality there's no really passive earning we can get since this can use to automate our trade profit is not included because we are the one who set it. But there are some traders use this since this is somehow helpful but for newbies thinking about becoming rich on this well maybe this is not for them because maybe they will dislike the result on their bought trading bots.
Many opinions arise that they are not working, maybe they are because a trader fails to do good as well. But never I encourage people to try from not a trusted site, better know it first and, of course, make sure that you are ready enough and knows how to use them otherwise, it is totally a waste of time either.