I get the feeling most people voting for scrypt are doing so simply out of personal interest
as opposed to the people who pre-ordered ASICs over a year ago? What form of interest would that fall under?
- it's easier to mine a scrypt coin if you're a small miner but that's because most people don't realize how cheap and available ASICS will be in the coming year so they're just misinformed and acting out of fear. I'm a small guy and I'm buying what ASICS I can cause I see huge money in merged mining.
More like acting out of foresight. Keep thinking we are misinformed when you and every other fuckhead who found out about bitcoin 3 months ago plugs in their ASICs and gets the same fucking results as they do now with GPUs. The only difference is, the manufacturers of these machines are obviously stalling as long as possible in the interest of pure profits. They do not care about you or anyone else desperate enough to pre-order their shit.
Not the $1.20 per day I was clearing with a new dual 7850 GPU rig. For that money you can get nearly a 40GH BFL ASIC and make 10-20 times more money even with a way higher difficulty by focusing on merged mining. It looks like the majority of miners aren't seeing this possibility or maybe they don't want to risk buying ASICS.
You spent 1,700 dollars on your mining rig and turn around and wonder why you don't make any profits? People like you are the reason ASICs even exist in the first place. You are totally looking at them the wrong way, and can't see anything beyond your own fucking greed. People who tout ASICs as the future are solely saying that because they feel like they can still gain a leg up on everyone else by buying them. The problem is when the product you are banking on being released is currently being used to do exactly what you plan to do with it before too many people get their hands on them, you have already lost. Bitcoin is not about furthering the coin's widespread support anymore, it is just operating under that guise with the real agenda being
You act like your future project coin will gain any sort of respect, when you constantly contradict yourself and provide no evidence of the ability to look at things objectively. You are not part of the "small miner group" when you fully support the very thing that is pushing that group out of Bitcoin. People tout Bitcoin as being decentralized and allowing anyone to be able to join network, when in reality, a handful of companies are
releasing stalling the very devices that will wipe it's ass with that notion while keeping foolish people such as yourself running in line to attach themselves to the puppet strings.