please read the post before voting not to take any coins thanks I want to make a coin and have loads of services from the start
I would like to be able to have a way to get coins to run the services for the first year without it costing to much after 1 year i want all the projects to be more than self sustaining so the project can expand
I will stick with what ever the vote says ( all the coins would co on the project and there would be a public leger saying were all the coins go )
I have sold over 80% of my mining farm and am looking to invest in making a new coin with services
Before you say why don't i do this for a coin that is already out there you might have heard about project infinite and the problems I have had
with the team i was working with mainly due there being no legally binding contract
I decided it would be best to build a coin and services from the ground up if you believe you can help with this project in any way please contact me
Due to problems with previous people i have worked with there will be legally binding contracts to stop people not delivering / scamming
I am currently looking for people with these skills
public relations
website design skills
people that can code coins ( not just a basic clone )
people that can code websites
people looking to buy a share of the project
and anyone that thinks they can contribute to the project
I would like the to be a core team of 5 to start with then other people can buy in at a later stage
All decisions will have to have a minimum of 51% of the team vote before it is decided
I will be posting more info as soon as possible
Edit : the new project is here >